🍳Cooking Perks

More Salt

2 Points | Can Have 10 Max

When calculating the total of your meals effect (like damage or healing), add +1 to the total

More Pepper

2 Points | Can Have 10 Max

The range of your meals increase by 5ft


2 Points | Can Have 3 Max

The max amount of points you can spend on seasonings increase by 2

Requires Seasonings

Quite Simple

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

When you use abstract food prep, the meal no longer gains a -5 debuff to rolls or DC

Requires Abstract Food Prep

Aged Fine

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

When you choose to cook an Acquired Meal, roll a cooking skill check. If the total of your roll is above 20, there isn’t a downside to your meal above 20, there isn’t a downside to your meal

Requires Acquired Tastes


2 Points | Can Have 3 Max

When you choose to cook an Kapoorish meal, the meal gains another magical passive effect.

Requires Kapor’s Mixing

Gentle Reminder:

Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.