Pretty self explanatory, has two variations called less than common and less common. Items that most people have.
Prices range from a copper to a gold.
Items that the upper middle class usually has access to.
Prices range from 1 gold to 10 gold.
Items mostly exclusive to the rich, or so rare to find that only the rich have the resources to find.
Prices range from 2 gold to 30 gold.
Items not even the rich reliably have, only 1 in 1000 can find them.
Prices range from 50 Gold to 50 Platinum.
Items that are theorized to exist because almost nobody can find them.
Prices range from 100 Gold to 500+ platinum.
Items that may give a great reward, but in the end all that use them regret them.
Prices range from the hundreds of platinum, not even being sold, or being cheap to the point where the items want to find you.
A gold coin can be somewhat compared to around 400 US Dollars.