Magic Missile
1 Gold, Uncommon
A small paper airplane sized missile you throw with your own hands.
Sold as a set of 5. As an action, call the amount of magic missiles you wish to throw at a creature. Roll an improvised ranged attack to break armor class, if it hits then all of them hit at once. If it doesn’t hit, then all of the magic missiles you called are expended. For every magic missile that hits, roll a d4 of damage.
Spatial Ring
10 Gold, Rare
A tiny ring that can fit on your finger that grows to the size of a human being within the blink of an eye.
1 use. As an action, use it on a creature within 20ft. That creature must now make a DC 12 athletics or acrobatics saving throw. Upon a failure, you can choose to either restrain them or push them away up to 50ft.
Instant Fog
15 Gold, Rare
A glass sphere containing a dense cloud of fog. You can barely read the inscription from someone named David, “my lame weathersphere”
1 use. As an action, you can either throw it as an improvised ranged attack or break the sphere at your feet. Wherever it lands, anyone within the 30ft area of fog the sphere creates is instantly blinded.
Instant Storm
15 Gold, Rare
A glass sphere containing a dense lightning storm. You can barely read the inscription from someone named David, “get thundered nerd”
1 use. As an action, you can either throw it as an improvised ranged attack or break the sphere at your feet. Wherever it lands, anyone within the 30ft area must make a DC 12 blocking or acrobatics saving throw or take 1d6 storm damage at the start of each of their turns that they’re in the storm.
Instant Darkness
30 Gold, Rare
A glass sphere containing void black darkness that even elven eyes cannot perceive through. You can barely read the inscription from someone named David, “my dark sphere, screw your darkvision!”
1 use. As an action, you can either throw it as an improvised ranged attack or break the sphere at your feet. Wherever it lands, it creates a 30ft area of magical darkness. And no, normal darkvision does not do anything.
Instant Weakness
50 Gold, Legendary
A perfectly clear glass sphere with a small inscription from someone named David. “Shattersphere, my weapon of choice.”
1 use. You can throw this sphere as an improvised ranged weapon attack, upon hitting a creature’s armor class said AC is cut in half until 3 rounds later at the start of your turn. If your attack with this sphere misses, it will break no matter what. The sphere also deals no damage.
Anti-Magic Field
100 Gold, Legendary
A deployable force field made of ... .well ... you get it.
1 use. As an action, you can either throw this as an improvised ranged weapon attack or lay it at your feet. Wherever it lands, it creates a 50ft area where no type of magical effect can be used.