What Are Paths & Abilities?

in free flowing, characters evolve using paths & abilities

A player must declare what they want to unlock

Example: “I want to learn a new type of magic!”

The maximum total time spent working towards the path or ability you want, this means time spent not just time passing, is a collective 72 hours or 3 days.

Rule Sections That Are BOLDED and Underlined are mandatory to read to play the system.

D20s Are Used For Most Rolls In The System, Assume Something Uses A D20 Unless That Thing Says Otherwise

Contains The Following Sections:

  • Character Sheets

  • Obsolete Content

  • Types Of Rest

  • Object & Creature Sizes

  • Equipment Slots

  • Currency

  • Battle Progression

Contains The Following Sections:

  • Skill Checks

  • Conditions

  • Exhaustion

  • Grievous Wounds

  • Critical Wounds

Contains The Following Sections:

  • Advantage & Disadvantage

  • Added Bonus

  • Stat Reduction Effects

  • Collaboration Rolls

  • Inspiration

  • Jumping, Lifting, Etc.

  • Saving Throws

  • Spellbooks

  • Dice Checks (DC)

Contains The Following Sections:

  • Armor Class

  • Health & Damage

  • Types Of Health

  • Rolling For Initiative

  • Duel Combat

  • Chase Combat

  • Combos (Duel)

  • Combat Actions

  • Launch n’ Lift

  • multi-targeting

  • Critical Attacks & Failures

Contains The Following Sections:

  • Special Actions

  • Hiding & Stealth

  • Interactions

  • Resistance & Weakamunity

  • Falling Damage

  • Lethal & non-Lethal

  • Hand to hand combat

  • Attacks On Limbs

  • Spellcasting

    • Spell Ranges

    • spell concentration

  • Death’s Door

  • Losing Limbs

Contains The Following Sections:

  • Increasing Stats

  • Increasing Speed

  • Increasing Health

  • Increasing Resource Pools

  • Unlocking Bonuses

  • Gaining Proficiencies