Contains the following rules:

  • porting content from old versions or other games into the current version of free flowing

  • Character Sheets and where to find them

  • types of rest and regaining important points back

  • How currency, equipment, and trinkets work

  • the rewards for winning a battle and how it makes you grow

content made for previous versions of free flowing and even normal D&D is doomed to become outdated. It is still fine to use content made during older versions of free flowing or from different systems.

Bear in mind the fact that the current version of the game doesn’t have mechanics like level requirements or Proficiency bonuses, balance the content you desire to use at your own discretion and use the website as a good comparison to make sure it fits.

Obsolete Content

The free flowing 2nd edition Character Sheet Contains The Basic Building Blocks Of Your Character Such As Their Name, Description, Health, Starting Items And Abilities, As Well As Their Racial Traits And Stats.

The character sheet is also where you include your character’s paths and abilities alongside their custom techniques, spells, and crafts.

Most Importantly, There’s A Lot Of Space To Include Details About Your Character! Like Their Flaws, Their Bonds, Character Personality And Their Backstory!

There is an arrow at the top of the page to take you to character sheets.

Character Sheets

There Are Three Types Of Rest; A Brief Rest, A Short Rest, And A Long Rest.

Brief Rest: Takes 5 minutes, can use to prepare an action using ready or something like a ritual spell.

Short Rest: Takes 1 hour. during the rest, you can choose to use restore or activity.

  • restore: restore a fourth of a resource pool (health, mana, ki, eTC)

  • activity: creating techniques/spells/crafts or performing something else that requires this rest

Long Rest: takes 8 hours. requires access to food and drink. regain all resource pools (health, mana, ki, eTC) reduce a level of exhaustion and a Grievous wound of your choice.

Types Of Rest

There Are 8 Sizes A Creature Or Object Can Be. They’re Measured In Height And How Many Spaces They Take Up During A Combat.

tiny, small, medium, large, huge, gargantuan, colossal, and Titanic

tiny is less than 2ft tall ; small is around 2ft ; medium is 5ft ; large is 10ft ; huge is 15ft ; gargantuan is 20ft ; colossal is 50ft ;

Titanic is 100ft and beyond

Creature/Object Sizes

Currency Is Measured In Different Types Of Coin. It Can Be Replaced With Money, Credits, Or Your Own Custom Currency Type, But This Is The Free Flowing Default

The Lowest Is 1 Copper Coin. 10 Copper Coins Equals 1 Silver Coin. 10 Silver Coins Equal 1 Gold Coin. 10 Gold Coins Equal 1 Platinum Coin

Btw, Just Don’t Worry About The Weight Of The Gold, It Doesn’t Really Matter. Besides, This Game Doesn’t Have Carrying Capacity. (for anyone wondering how much a gold coin equates to in real life, it’s around 400 Dollars)



you must take up equipment slots in order to use weapons and armor. weapons and armor have different costs of equipping.

  • weapons: equipping or unequipping an item takes an extra action.

  • armor sets: consumes your entire turn to equip or unequip. this means you lose your action, bonus action, reaction, extra actions, and movement.

Each Limb Has One Slot Only, all of which are listed on the free flowing 2nd edition character sheet.

if you have additional limbs, then you get additional equipment slots for those limbs. same is true in reverse, losing a limb removes an equipment slot.

Extremely Similar To Normal Equipment, Trinkets Are Equippable Slots For Magical Items.

they each take extra actions to equip and unequip to a trinket slot. once it’s equipped to a slot, you can make use of the trinket. you have four slots total. rings also use trinket slots, however they only take up half of a trinket slot.


Completing A Battle In Free Flowing Grants Automatic Benefits Regardless Of The DM’s Say. The DM Sets A Clear Victory Condition Before The Battle Begins.

This Can Be To Defeat All The Enemies, Escape The Situation, Steal Something, Or Whatever They Come Up With. If You Complete The Victory Condition The DM Set In Stone, Then The Battle Is Considered Complete And You Get The Progression Rewards.


Upon Completing A Battle You get +4 points that you can allocate to either a resource pool listed below or to get one of the perks found in the paths, Abilities, & Perks section

- Health, Mana, Ki, Pounds Of Metal, Etc.

- Combat, Magic, Crafting, Supernatural Perks

Battle Progression

Variant Rule:

If The Dm Wants To Reward The Players For Surviving A Huge Or Deadly Battle, You Can Increase The Point Distribution For Battle Progression.

EX: Instead Of +4 total points you could do 8 total points