Special Actions

Special unique actions that anyone can take, for decisions more complicated than a simple attack or using an item.

There Is An Arrow At The Top Of The Page To Take You To List Of special actions.

Hiding & Stealth

When You Attempt To Hide, Make A Stealth Skill Check. Until You’re Discovered Or You Stop Hiding, The Stealth Check’s Number Is Contested By Perception Checks By Any Creature That Actively Searches For You Or Passive Perceptions By Creatures That Might Accidentally Notice You.

You Can’t Hide From A Creature That Can See You And There Are Things You Can Do That Can Give Your Position Away Like Making Noise.

The DM Can Decide, In Circumstantial Situations, If You Should Be Able To Stay Hidden Or Be Able To Gain An Advantage By Getting The Drop On A Creature While Hidden.

At That Point, It Comes Down To The DM’s Intuition What Happens Since Hiding Can Come In Many, Many Ways.


Interactions Encompass Everything During Combat That Doesn’t Activate Due To Actions, Bonus Actions Or Reactions. Interactions Can Include Rolling A Skill Check, Making A Jump, Using An Item That Doesn’t Force You To Use An Action.

In Order To Perform An Interaction, You Have To Use An Extra Action. You Cannot Perform The Same Interaction On The Same Turn. For Example, You Cannot Roll Perception Or Another Skill Check Twice Using Extra Actions

Falling Damage

If You Are Airborne Without A Flying Or Hovering Ability By The End Of Your Turn, You Will Fall At 500 Ft Per Round.

You Will Take 1d6 Bludgeoning Damage For Every Ten Feet You Plummet Before Landing Improperly.

Resistance & Weakamunity

If You Have Resistance To A Damage Type, You Take Half Damage Instead.

If You Have Immunity To A Damage Type, You Take No Damage Instead.

If You Have Weakness To A Damage Type, You Take Double Damage Instead.

Falling Damage

If You Are Airborne Without A Flying Or Hovering Ability By The End Of Your Turn, You Will Fall At 500 Ft Per Round.

You Will Take 1d6 Bludgeoning Damage For Every Ten Feet You Plummet Before Landing Improperly.

Lethal & Non-Lethal

Most Attacks Are Lethal, Such As Ranged And Magical Attacks. However, You Can Make Non-Lethal Attacks With A Melee Weapon (You Must Declare It Is Non Lethal Before Attacking)

Whenever You Reduce A Creature To 0 Hit Points Or Death’s Door, You Have A Few Options Depending On The Lethality Of Your Strikes.

If A Creature Is On Death’s Door And You Hit Them With A Non-Lethal Attack, You Can Knock Them Out Completely.

Hand To Hand Combat

If You Attempt To Make An Attack Without Using Any Type Of Weapon Or Magic, Just Your Body, You Are Making An Unarmed Strike. You Can Choose To Roll Either Strength Or Dexterity, No Bonus Just Flat Roll Plus Stat.

If You Break Armor Class, You’ll Simply Just Deal 1 + STR/DEX Bludgeoning Damage

Attack On Limbs

Most Attacks Aim For The General Body, Nothing Specific Or Vital. You CAN Target Specific Things Like Limbs Or Organs, But It Comes With Varying Levels Of Disadvantage.

Targeting Limbs Like Arms And Legs Are At Disadvantage.

Targeting Body Parts Like The Ears, Eyes, Neck, chest, And Back Are At Double Disadvantage.

Targeting Body Parts Like The Head is a triple disadvantage while the Brain, Lungs, And Heart Are At quintuple disadvantage.

Depending On What Limb You Manage To Hit, You get to Incur A Grievous Wound On The Creature as long as the attack successfully hits. Check The Grievous Wounds Section Of Player Checks & Effects For What Grievous Wounds You Can Apply To A Creature.

Death’s Door

When A Player Character’s Health Reaches 0, They Are Put On Death’s Door. Death’s Door Is Where A Player Character Is One Hit Or Misstep Away From The Cold Embrace Of Death.

After Being Put On Death’s Door, If An Attack Successfully Hits The Player Character, it triggers a death’s door survival roll and The DM Must Roll A d100. If The DM Rolls Numbers From 31-100, They Will Survive The Hit. Anything Above Is Instant Death.

every trigger for death’s door survival will increase the number the DM has to beat by 5, it will reset back to 31 at your next long rest.

While On Death’s Door, You Have Disadvantage On All Rolls And Your Speed Is Halved.

A Player Character Can Be Taken Off Of Death’s Door By Increasing Their Health From 0.

Losing Limbs

Some Creatures May Be More Violent Than The Seasoned Adventurer Would. In Order To Try And Remove A Body Part On A Creature, You Must First Declare You’re Attempting To Remove Said Part, This Goes For DMs And Players.


You Can Still Of Course Do That As Flavor When You Reduce A Creature To 0 Hit Points And Kill Them.

Players Must Use An Extra Action To Expend An Inspiration To Do The Following. After Declaring Your Intentions And (If You’re A Player), Using An Inspiration, You Must Then Hit The Body Part. It Can Happen From Effects Such As Its Armor Class Being Broken, The Creature Failing A Save, Or From A Crit Fail Skill Check. The Rules From The Attacks On Limbs Section Still Apply.

After Hitting The Body Part, The DM Must Now Roll A D100. Whatever The Creature’s Current Death Door Ratio Is Will Apply Here. For Normal Death’s Door Ratios, The DM Must Roll Below A 31 On A D100 In Order For The Body Part To Be Removed. The Creature Then Gains A Critical Wound Based On The Body Part, See The Critical Wounds. Section Of Player Checks & Effects.


Spellcasting Is Another Type Of Attack Roll.

In Order To Use Spells And Make Spells, You Need A Spellmaker And A Spellcasting Focus. Using Spellbooks Is An Exception.

There’s A Special Privilege That Spellcasters Get To Benefit From Called “Upcasting.” If You Make A Spell At A Lower Tier, You Can Cast It At A Higher Tier Without Having To Make A New Spell.

Concerning Targeting Creatures With Spells, You Can’t Target The Same Creature or area More Than Once.

To Learn More About Spells, There’s Material Available To Read:

  • Tool Kits Page

  • Spellbooks Page

  • Wiki Pages On Characters That Have Used Spells

Spell Ranges

There Are Multiple Ranges You Can Choose When Making A Spell.


Uses The Full Normal Range Your Spell Maker Gives You, Only Can Target The Amount Of Creatures That Your Magic Tier Allows.


Half The Normal Range Your Spell Maker Gives You, The Number You Get Will Be The Radius That The Spell Is Effective.

(cannot use for additional targets)


Divide The Normal Range Your Spell Maker Gives You By 3, The Number You Get Will Be The Length Of The Side To Side Cone In Front Of You That The Spell Is Effective.

(cannot use for additional targets)

Spell Concentration

Some Spells Create Effects That Last Longer Than The Action It Took To Cast Them, This Is Called Concentration. You Cannot Concentrate On More Than 1 Spell At A Time.

When You Take Damage, You Need To Roll A Combo Check With Your Magic Stat To Maintain Concentration. If You Don’t Pass The Required Dc, The Spell Effect Ends Instantly.

The First Time You Roll A Combo Check To Maintain Concentration, The Dc Is 10. For Every Subsequent Time You Need To Roll To Maintain Your Spell Effect, The Dc Increases By 5 Until You Fail The Save.