Arise : Action

If you are in the prone condition, you can spend your action to get up.

Shove : Bonus Action

You can roll contesting strength or dexterity rolls against another creature, if you win you can shove them up to 5 plus your STR/DEX feet away.

Ready : Action

You can hold your action and then trigger it as a reaction before the beginning of your next turn.

Dash : action

You can double your movement speed as an action.

Grapple : action

You can grapple as an attack action and force a creature to roll a athletics or acrobatics saving throw against your strength check. If you win, you put them in the grappled condition. While grappled, you can move them around to your whim until they break out.

Help : Bonus Action

You can forgo your bonus action and, if you can realistically do so, you can help and give advantage to another creature’s roll.

Disarm : Action

You can disarm as an attack action and force a creature to roll an athletics or sleight of hand saving throw against your sleight of hand check. If you win, you can either throw their weapon up to 10ft away or take it for yourself, one of your hands must be free.

you can use your weapon to hit modifier instead of your hands, but you must roll at disadvantage.

Dodge : Action

Until the beginning of your next turn, all creatures have disadvantage on attacking you and you have advantage on all dexterity rolls.


You attempt to stealth as an action. See Hiding & Stealth for the stealth rules on the main extended combat rules page

Retreat : action

Until the beginning of your next turn, your movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.