Armor Class

Default Armor Class Is Determined By 8 Plus Your Dexterity Modifier.

You Can Then Either Learn Other Unarmored Defense Abilities Or You Can Learn To Use Other Armors Like Leather, Studded, Or Plate.

It Can Be Broken By Someone Rolling An Attack With A Higher Number Then Your AC.

Health & Damage

Starting Health Is Already Detailed In How To Get Started. You Can Lose Said Health By Getting Attacked.

In Order To Hurt You, A Creature Must Roll An Attack To Break Your Armor Class Or Get You To Fail A Saving Throw.

Losing A Certain Amount Of Health Can Determine If You Gain A Grievous Wound Or Leave You At Death’s Door.

Types Of Health

There Are Two Types Of Health Points: Health And Overhealth.

Health Is The Same As Described In The “Health & Damage” Section Literally To The Left Of This Box.

Overhealth Is A Temporary Extension To Your Health Points Given By Specific Abilities, Think Of Them As Some Kind Of Shield Points.

Overhealth Cannot Be Increased By Short Or Long Rest. After A Completed Long Rest You Lose All Overhealth.

Rolling For Initiative

At The Beginning Of Every Combat, All Players And Involved NPCs And Enemies Roll Initiative By Making A Dexterity Check. Initiative Determines The Order Of Creatures’ Turns In Combat.

After Initiative Is Called, All Creatures, Controlled By Players And DM, Make Attacks Or Commit To An Activity Each Round.

Combat Ends Either When The Players Defeat The Creatures Put In Front Of Them, All Of The Players Are Defeated, If The Players Manage To Escape, Or If There’s Another Scenario That Disrupts The Combat.

Duel Combat

Duels rounds last 6 seconds instead of a minute.

Duels Happen When Two Characters Engage In A One On One High Paced Fight. In This Duel, You Only Have An Action, Bonus Action, An Extra Action.

Duels Are Supposed To Be Fast Paced Where One Person Attacks After Another In Increasingly Quick Succession.

During A Duel, After Successfully Landing An Attack, You Can Start A Combo As A Bonus Action, Detailed In The Same Section.

Also Falling Speed Is Set To 50ft Per Round instead of 500ft. This Only Applies For The Two Creatures In The Duel.

Chase Combat

Chase rounds last 30 seconds instead of a minute

Chases Are When The Party Is Chased By An Event Or An Entity And Forced To Move For Multiple Turns Straight. In Chases, You Only Have An Action And Bonus Action.

During Chases, You Have A Maximum Of 3 Dashes Before You’ll Need To Roll To Avoid Exhaustion.

After Using 3 Dashes And Attempting A 4th, You’ll Need To Roll A Fortitude Check.

The First Time The Dc Is 10, But Increases By 5 Every Time You Roll.

The Dc Resets For Every Exhaustion Your Gain.

Launch N’ Lift

As An Extra Action, You Are Able To Deal Damage To Creatures And Objects By Using The Launch & Lift Skill Check and throwing them. You Only Need Your Extra Action To Use Launch & Lift On An Object, But If You Want To Use Launch & Lift On A Creature You Need To Have Had Them Grappled First. If The Creature Is Grappled, You Can Easily Use Launch & Lift.

The DM Decides What The Damage Dice Will Be Based On Your Roll. In Order To Avoid Damage Dealt By Launch N’ Lift, you need to make an acrobatics save against their launch n’ lift DC:

(8 + STR + Launch N’ Lift Bonus)

after throwing the creature or object, it is no longer considered grappled

Combos (Duel)

During A Duel Combat, If You Land A Successful Attack With A Weapon, You Can Forgo Your Bonus Action To Start A Combo Or A combination of attack techniques culminating in a giant blow.

When you start a combo, describe the cinematic series of events you want to happen to your DM. Things like:

  • I land two additional slices and kick him prone to the ground

  • I stuff two bombs into his mouth, turn away and detonate them

Depending on what you describe the DM will give an appropriate DC for a combo skill check. Example 1 would probably be a DC 15 while the second example would be DC 25.

The effects of a combo can vary from getting to roll extra damage die or having a creature fall prone or unconcious. It’s up to dM interpretation.

Combat Actions

During Combat Declared By Initiative, You Have An Action, A Bonus Action, Reaction, And Multiple Extra Actions And Free Actions.

Actions, Bonus Actions, And Reactions Should Be Pretty Self Explanatory. also free actions are just free, they don’t have a limit to how many you have per turn, but usually free action abilities are one use.


Encompass A Majority Of Abilities You Can Perform Such As Casting A Spell, Using A Weapon, Or Doing Something Like Dodge Or Hide.


Abilities And Actions That You Can Only Perform In Reaction To Something Like A Creature Attacking You Or When You Fall Off A Ledge

Bonus Actions

Quick Little Actions You Can Do To Enhance Your Turn Such As A Second Weapon Swing Or doubling your speed.

Extra Actions

Unique Actions Granted From Special Abilities That You Can Perform Outside Of The Normal Action Economy. You Can Perform 3 Extra Actions On Your Turn.


multi-targeting is when you can target more than 1 creature or the same creature again with an attack or other effect with a technique, ability, perk, etc.

when multi-targeting, choose what will be your main target and what will be your additional targets. additional targets deal half of whatever you get on your main target and have half of it’s general capabilities.

(EX: Main target damages/heals 10 from 60ft away, additional targets do 5 from 30ft away)

additional targets must be made at single creature or spot, cannot be area of effect or a cone.

Critical Success

rolling a critical means getting the polar ends of the d20 on a roll.

Benefits of a natural 20/Crit success:

  • attack roll: add the maximum damage you could roll on a damage roll to the total damage calculation

  • Skill Check: The best you could possibly do on that check

  • saving throw: completely avoiding or negating an effect even you’re supposed to get half damage on success

Critical Failures

rolling a critical failure means getting rolling a 1 on a d20.

consequences of a natural 1/Crit failure:

  • Skill Check: The worst you could possibly do on that check

  • saving throw: the effect you’re put under is doubled in severity or if you’re taking damage you apply crit attack rules to the damage you take.

a natural 1 can also result in a easy critical wound if the situation applies.