Magical Ammunition
1 Gold Per 10 Ammo, Uncommon
Unlike normal arrows and bullets, you must keep track of this special ammo.
When shooting from a ranged weapon or a gun, you can choose to use this special ammunition instead, remember to mark down that you used it!
This special ammunition deals magical piercing to get around non-magical resistance to piercing damage.
Elemental Ammunition
5 Gold Per Ammo, Rare
Unlike normal arrows and bullets, you must keep track of this special ammo.
When shooting from a ranged weapon or a gun, you can choose to use this special ammunition instead, remember to mark down that you used it!
This special ammunition deals a magical and elemental type of damage. The dealer usually chooses what type of elemental it is.
EX: Fire, Ice, Wind, etc.
Homing Ammunition
5 Gold Per Ammo, Rare
Unlike normal arrows and bullets, you must keep track of this special ammo.
When shooting from a ranged weapon or a gun, you can choose to use this special ammunition instead, remember to mark down that you used it!
This special ammunition gives the ranged attack made with it advantage, also you don’t need line of sight in order to make the attack since it can curve around corners.
Teleporting Ammunition
50 Gold Per 10 Ammo, Legendary
Unlike normal arrows and bullets, you must keep track of this special ammo.
When shooting from a ranged weapon or a gun, you can choose to use this special ammunition instead, remember to mark down that you used it!
When shot, as a free action this special ammunition can teleport up to the range of the weapon once per attack. This means, if an enemy is behind a wall the ammunition can teleport to the other side and hit.