Basic Weapon Rules
There are three types of weapons, Average, Heavy, & Finesse. Details about these three types and all other weapon properties are below the basic weapon rules box. As long as you are proficient or have a +1 bonus with a weapon, you can make use of a weapon’s special ability/property.
All weapons take at least 1 or 2 of your hand equipment slots to use. Equipping/Unequipping is an extra action for each weapon.
When using a ranged weapon, if the weapon range is in parenthesis that means it’s long range and you roll at disadvantage when attacking at long range.
(Also small note, if a weapon effect says “Roll your damage dice” it means without your stats or any bonus added)
Average Weapon
Weapons found in the Average Weapons section on the main weapons page. You can use either Strength or Dexterity with this weapon.
Heavy Weapon
Weapons found in the Heavy Weapons section on the main weapons page. You can only use Strength with this weapon.
Finesse Weapon
Weapons found in the Finesse Weapons section on the main weapons page. You can only use Dexterity with this weapon.
Weapons that have a range or distance where they can attack from. However, you have disadvantage on rolling with a ranged weapon if you attack someone within melee range
Weapons that can only attack up close or up to 10ft with disadvantage.
Two Handed
Weapons that are physically very large and, unless you have a +5 strength or bonus with that weapon, you have disadvantage on rolling with if you don’t hold it with two hands.
When attacking, you can choose to launch the weapon instead of it’s normal function. Roll a launch n’ lift of either STR or DEX to determine if it breaks Armor Class and how far the weapon travels
The damage dice of this weapon is determined by how many hands used to hold the weapons. The damage dice is parenthesis is when you use two hands.
Dual Wielding
Weapons that can be used as a bonus action as long as another weapon is held in the opposite hand.