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The maximum distance a creature can travel within 1 round of combat.

Measured within a minute, this is their max speed unless they use the dash action or other speed enhancing abilities.

Walking Speed

Tools characters use in order to make attacks, enhancing their accuracy and their damage.


It means that a type of damage does double damage to a character with weakness to it.

EX: A character with weakness to fire takes double the fire damage a character normally would’ve taken.


Owned by Hasbro, WOTC is the company that currently owns Dungeons & Dragons. They are the source of inspiration for Free Flowing.

Wizards Of The Coast | WOTC

1 of the 6 main stats a character has. Being 1 of the 3 mental stats, Wisdom has to do with gut instinct and your natural knowledge.

This can include your range of perception, your natural affinity with nature and animals, your aptitude for creating quick crafts, and anything else that comes from your instincts and spiritual side.
