Blow Up+

2 Points | Can Have 10 Max

The range of your concoctions increase by 5ft


2 Points | Can Have 10 Max

When calculating the total of your Concoctions effect (like damage or healing), add +1 to the total


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Needs Diligent Study

You can now use diligent study as an extra action once per turn, but you have a -5 to your science roll to study your target

Gentle Reminder:

Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.

🧪Alchemy Perks

Secret Formula

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Needs Diligent Study

When using centrifuge, you no longer have a -5 debuff to your concoction roll or to the concociton’s DC


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Needs Associate Agent

When making additional targets with concoctions, they can be radius instead of single target. Other rules for main target and additional target still apply.

Data Input

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Needs Alchemical Success

When making a saving throw against an effect you haven’t studied with diligent study, you can add half of your science bonus to the roll