Alchemy Special Feature
instead of creating a concoction during battle, you can spend a short rest to make up to 5 concoctions. concoctions made during short rests have +2 to their rolls and DCs
🧪Path Of Alchemy🧪
Lab Rat
Requires intelligence skill check : Science
During A Short Rest, you can create equations and formulas of mixed materials to create concoctions while on the field.
You Gain A Resource Pool Of ingredients points Equal To 2 Times Your intelligence Plus Your science Bonus
Rolls off science check | DC = 8 + INT + Science bonus
Elements & Restrictions
Mixed Chemical Reactions
(concoctions are made and used on the same action, the cost of creating the concoction is an amount of ingredients determined by DM)
1d6, 20ft range, 1 target, action only
(you can use an extra action to drink a Concoction as well.)
make a concoction that adds your iNT to your AC until you lose concentration or a Concoction that creates a cloud of smoke and gives advantage on stealth
Associate Agent
Requires Lab Rat
your concoctions are now 1d8, 40ft range, 2 targets, made & Used on actions and reactions
your concoctions now have +3 to rolls and DCs instead of a +2 if they’re made at short rest
Senior Davenport
Requires associate agent
your concoctions are now 1d10, 60ft range, 3 targets, made & Used on actions and reactions
your concoctions now have +4 to rolls and DCs instead of a +3 if they’re made at short rest
Artifice Potions
Requires lab rat and be somewhat magical
You Can Now Add Magical Elements From Either Your Spellmaker Or Whatever Makes You Magical To Your concoctions. The Reverse Is True As Well, Meaning You Can Add alchemical Elements To Your Other Paths.