🧪Path Of Alchemy🧪
Chemical Cook
You can create 1 Path Of Alchemy Custom Craft during a short rest. The Custom Crafts of this Path are also called Concoctions
You gain a resource pool of Ingredient Points equal to two times your Intelligence plus your Science Bonus. This resource pool does not recover at a long rest and is finite, it can be refilled by finding more ingredients manually.
Your Elements include random materials, minerals, and chemical compounds that you would have reasonably picked up or purchased. The limits of what qualifies is at the DM’s discretion.
Your Restrictions are action or interaction action use; the damage dice, range, and Ingredient Cost of a Concoction are determined by the DM
In order to craft a Concoction, you need to spend Ingredient Points equal to the total cost
Instantly gain the Concoct ability upon choosing Chemical Cook
Requires Proficiency In Alchemist Supplies
Path Of Alchemy: Special Rule
Instead of normal Path Upgrades, Abilities, or Perks, the Path Of Alchemy uses Power Progressions.
Power Progressions are a fusion of Abilities and Perks, meaning that they count as either and can be gained by either Training or spending Battle Points
INT : Science
Skill Check
Measures your ability to test scientific and chemical theories through the scientific method. You must have your alchemist supplies on your person or you will automatically fail the check. Gain a +2 bonus to the skill check.
(Automatically Gain When You Get Chemical Cook)
Custom Craft Rolls & DC
Path Of Alchemy Concoctions are based off your Science skill check
8 + INT + Science Bonus
You gain a new Special Action: Concoct
As a quick action, you can spend Ingredient Points equal to the cost of a Concoction to instantly craft it.
However, Concoctions made with this Special Action can have chemical accidents. The first time you use this Concoction, roll a d10.
If you get below a 7, it has an accident. This means that instead of having the effect you originally wanted, it takes on the effect of another Concoction you have previously made. This is randomly selected by the DM by their own method.
Automatically Gain After Getting Chemical Cook
Power Progression
Power Progression
Power Progression
Power Progression
Power Progression
Power Progression
2 Points | 1 Max
Right after finding out that your Concoction had an accident, you can immediately spend the amount of ingredients it took to concoct the Concoction to not only refill it but also get a chance to reroll the accident chance the next time you use the Concoction
Requires Recipe (1)
2 Points | 5 Max
You can concoct an additional Concoction at a short rest or on the Concoct Special Action
Requires Recipe (1) and Method (1)
Power Progression
Hard Drugs
Power Progression
4 Points | 1 Max
As long as you have the source of a power (Magic, Mystic, etc), Instead of concocting one of your Concoctions you can recreate Potions found in Magic and Mystic Items up to the DM’s discretion. In order to recreate a potion, you must spend Ingredient Points equal to the gold cost of the potion. If the potion item is less than 1 gold, then it will only cost 1 Ingredient Point
Requires Medicine and Magishine
4 Points | 1 Max
Instead of concocting one of your Concoctions you can recreate Drugs found in High Tech Items up to the DM’s discretion. In order to recreate a drug, you must spend Ingredient Points equal to the gold cost of the drug. If the drug is less than 1 gold, then it will only cost 1 Ingredient Point
Requires Medicine and Moonshine
Power Progression
Power Progression
4 Points | 5 Max
As long as you have the source of a power (Magic, Mystic, etc), you can add magical elements to your Concoctions when concocting them
Requires Moonshine
4 Points | 1 Max
When concocting a Concoction, you can choose to improvise it’s restrictions
However, any improvised Concoction has a -5 debuff when rolling with it and cannot benefit from Recipe
Requires Chemical Cook
Valid Dew
Power Progression
Chem Element
Power Progression
4 Points | 6 Max
When you roll a d10 to see if your Concoction has an accident, the minimum number you need is one less
Requires Chemical Cook
4 Points | 5 Max
When you concoct a Concoction at a short rest, it gains +1 to all rolls and to DC
Requires Chemical Cook
2 Points | 5 Max
Instead of concocting one of your Concoctions you can recreate Drugs found in High Tech Items up to the DM’s discretion.
In order to recreate a drug, you must spend Ingredient Points equal to the gold cost of the drug. If the drug is less than 1 gold, then it will only cost 1 Ingredient Point
Requires Recipe (3) and Method (3)
2 Points | 1 Max
You gain a new Special Action: Scavenge
As an action once per general area, you can roll an investigation with advantage to scavenge for Ingredient Points around you. The DM will give you an amount based on your roll. You cannot do this in the same area twice. The DM can also say that there are no ingredients in the immediate vicinity.
Requires INT Skill Check : Science
4 Points | 1 Max
When you make custom moves with another Path, you can include elements involving ingredients and Concoction creation in those custom moves
Requires Chemical Cook and Moonshine
4 Points | 1 Max
When improvising a Concoction, it no longer has a -5 debuff applied to it
Requires Moonshine and Recipe (3) and Competency (3)