Spellcaster Focus
Cost Free
In order to use one of the Magic Paths, you require a focus to channel your magical powers through. This focus can be anything you desire; be it a book, necklace, pencil, wand, etc.
You can create a spellcasting focus during a short into any object of your choice. From there, you need to keep track of your casting bonus as a custom skill check, starting from +0.
If you lose your focus or it’s destroyed, then you will need to recreate a new focus in order to continue to use magic. Recreating your focus means your casting bonus will reset to 0. For more information click the training rules arrow at the top of the page.
Arts & Crafts Supplies
5 Silver
If you have proficiency with this tool kit, you have advantage and double your bonuses for performance and utility skill checks when making a creative art.
Alchemist’s Supplies
5 Gold
If proficient with this tool kit, you are able to pursue the Path Of Alchemy and it’s abilities. Using these supplies, you can roll intelligence or the science skill check if you got it to make drinks and alcohol.
Cook’s Utensils
5 Silver
If proficient with this tool kit, you can pursue the Path Of Cooking and it’s abilities. You are also able to create better meals than what you could accomplish with the utility skill check.
Disguise Kit
1 Gold
If proficient with this tool kit, you are able to disguise yourself as an action. You can choose to make a stealth based disguise or a deception based disguise.
The stealth based disguise gives a +2 bonus to stealth and sleight of hand rolls.
The deception based disguise gives a +2 bonus to persuasion and deception rolls.
Wearing either types of disguise takes up your chest equipment slot, and if you remove either type of disguise you lose the bonus that they give.
Driver’s License
10 Gold
If you are proficient with this tool kit, choose between land, water, and air vehicles.
With the type of vehicle you chose, you can use the custom skill check Driving at advantage, which goes off of dexterity, instead of rolling normal dexterity rolls at disadvantage.
For more information on Vehicles, go to the Vehicle Guide in Guides & Extras
Thieves’ Tools
2 Gold
If you are proficient in this tool kit, you can make sleight of hand checks that aim to unlock something or disarm a trap at advantage as long as you have them on you.
Engineer Kit
2 Gold
If proficient with this tool kit, you are able to pursue the Path Of Engineering
Navigation Kit
2 Gold
If proficient with this tool kit, you can make nature or utility rolls to do the following:
-Fully utilize maps, determine the current direction you’re traveling, and measure your ability to create your own maps
If you are not proficient in this tool kit, attempting to make wisdom rolls to do what’s described above are rolled at disadvantage.
Smith’s Tools
2 Gold
If proficient with this tool kit, you are able to pursue the Path Of Smithing
Medical Supplies
5 Gold
If proficient in this tool kit, you can make medicine skill checks with advantage as long as you have your supplies with you.
You can also attempt to heal someone using the medicine skill check and even try to reduce a creature’s Death’s Door survival roll.
Musical Instruments
2 Gold
If your are proficient in this tool kit, you are able to pursue the Path Of Music and it’s abilities.