Low Quality Food
Free or 1 copper per pound, Common
A collection of “ingredients” that look absolutely vile, though edible.
During a brief rest, you can consume a pound of low quality food. It won’t restore health, but it at least fills the food requirement for a successful long rest.
You create low quality food by rolling a critical failure on any cooking or utility skill check when attempting to make food.
1 copper per pound, Common
Simple food that helps satiate hunger.
During a brief rest, you can consume a pound of rations. You get 5 overhealth and fulfill the food requirement for a successful long rest.
You can create rations by having a pound of something akin to food scraps and need to roll at least a 5 on a cooking roll and at least a 15 on a utility roll.
Normal Food
3 copper per pound, Common
Everyday meals.
During a brief rest, you can consume a pound of normal food. You will get 3 + Con health back and fulfill the food requirement for a successful long rest.
You can create normal food by having a pound of meat or vegetables and need to roll at least a 10 on a cooking skill check. Using utility will automatically result in a critical failure.
Big Food
2 silver per pound, Common
Huge portions of food too much for a normal human, but fit for a certain race of space apes.
During a brief rest, you can consume a pound of big food. You get 12 + Con health back and definitely fulfill the food requirement for a successful long rest. Eating pounds of big food consecutively might require tolerance checks to keep yourself from throwing up.
You can create big food by having 3 pounds of meat or vegetables and need to roll at least a 15 on a cooking skill check. Using utility will automatically result in a critical failure.
Fancy Food
1 gold per pound, Uncommon
Food fit for those with money to spare.
During a brief rest, you can consume a pound of fancy food. You get 10 + Con health back and also get 1 + Con overhealth. This does not fulfill the food requirement for a successful long rest.
You can create fancy food by having 2 pounds of meat or vegetables and need to get at least an unnatural 20 on a cooking skill check. Using utility will automatically result in a critical failure
Your Favorite Food
2 silver per pound, Common
Regardless of it’s form, it’s your favorite!
During a brief rest, you can consume 1 instance of your favorite food. Instead of getting health or overhealth, you get 5 + a stat of your choice and add that number to a resource pool of your choice that isn’t health or overhealth.
There’s nothing special about creating your favorite food, that’s because your favorite food can be anything from a candy to dirt. Creating your favorite food depends on what it is.
As long as it’s what you wrote on your character when you started, then that’s what your favorite food is.