Common Clothes
Around 1 to 5 silver, Common
Traditional clothing that is mostly worn by common folk.
If this is not your normal attire and you’re attempting to blend in as a normal person, gain +1 to social charisma rolls unless the one you’re rolling against recognizes you. If they recognize you, you gain no bonus to social charisma rolls.
Fancy Clothes
Around 1 to 5 gold, Common
Traditional clothing that is mostly worn by common folk.
If this is not your normal attire, gain +2 to social charisma rolls unless the one you’re rolling against recognizes you. If they recognize you, you gain no bonus to social charisma rolls.
Around 5 silver, Common
A fun outfit that inspires smiles and laughs! might be based on an in-universe property or just makes you look silly!
takes up both arm slots to gain benefits. If equipped to both arm slots you gain a -10 to intimidation, but advantage on all performance checks.
Around 1 gold, Common
A simple collection of cloth and other materials made to hide your true identity.
Takes up both arm slots to gain benefits. If equipped to both arm slots and you are proficient with a disguise kit, you gain advantage and a +2 to all persuasion and deception rolls.
Swim Gear
Around 1 to 5 silver, Common
A simple wetsuit that makes outdoor swimming much more fun and freeing.
Takes up both arm and leg slots to gain benefits. If equipped to those, you gain +10ft to your swimming speed and you have advantage on all physical saving throws in water.
Around 1 to 5 silver, Common
Tight clothing worn by professionals in the art of flipping. Be careful with your internet searches…
Takes up both arm slots to gain benefits. If equipped to both arm slots, you gain a +1 to all acrobatics rolls.'