Somewhere between 5 silver and a gold, Common
Steel rod with one end bent into a hook and the other bent slightly
When used to pry things open, Gain +2 to the check.
This can also be used as an improvised weapon dealing 1d4 + strength bludgeoning damage.
A copper for every 10 foot of rope, Common
Tightly knit layers of natural fibers meant for rope stuff
Win order to use rope for whatever purpose you intend, a utility roll is needed.
Rope has 1 hit point and an ac of 5. However, rope’s body is measured in segments, so that hit point and ac is Across Each Foot Of Rope Used.
Aiming for a specific segment of rope is like targeting a limb.
5 copper, Common
A bucket made of tin.
Can hold up to three gallons of liquid and 10 pounds of solid material.
If you put the bucket on your head equipment slot, you gain a +2 to AC and also gain the blinded condition.
Around 5 gold, Common
Some type of fixed display of places. Crazy paper.
You require proficiency in navigation kits in order to use the map efficiently.
If you are not proficient, you have disadvantage on wisdom rolls to use the map to determine where you are and what direction you’re traveling in.
Around 1 to 5 silver, Common
A metal shovel, nice leather grip and wooden base. Dirt man.
An Improvsied melee weapon, deals 1d4 + either strength or dexterity. Requires a hand equipment slot.
If equipped when attempting to dig up something, roll with advantage.
Research Notes
3 gold, Common
Either a clean or messy collection of scientific papers relating to a study.
Can be used to help train your intelligence stat. Also, if you are reading this, you have advantage on rolls related to the work the research is about.
Portable Ram
Around 1 to 5 gold, Common
A handheld beam of wood meant to say no to all doors.
Requires two hand equipment slots to use. when trying to break down a door with this item equipped, you have advantage and a +3