Game Set
Somewhere between 5 silver, Common
A mix of colorful cardboard and decks of cards. Awesome gaming yeah.
Playing with a game set is done by rolling contesting performance checks, whoever rolls the highest wins the game!
1 copper, Common
Love pets, specifically dogs.
They usually have a low armor class like 6 or 8 and then have around 10 HP, so base health. maybe you could talk with your DM about having a big BEAST of a pet or something i dunno. rawr.
Between 5-50,000 gold, Uncommon
Various beautiful rocks formed by volcanic implosions! Aquamarines, emeralds, opals, Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls! You could try to sell them or use them as crafting materials in your next big craft!
Around 1 gold, Common
Traditional clothing that is mostly worn by common folk.
takes up head slot to gain benefits. If equipped to head slot and you are proficient with a disguise kit, you gain advantage and a +2 to all persuasion and deception rolls.
Moving Cart
Around 25 gold (Usually rented), Common
A large cart that is used to move large amounts of things.
Can be moved by 2 beasts of burden (horses, cows, oxen, etc.) up to 30ft per second (roughly 20 mph or 32 kph) or four medium sized humanoids at half that speed at the cost of 1 exhaustion point every three hours without breaks. Can carry up to 10,000 lbs of cargo if properly packed