If one of the armors below says “Based On Original Armor,” that means that the equipment slots, AC, disadvantages, and other properties are based on one of the armors found in battle items
Dress Of Defense
10 Gold, Uncommon
A tasteful but thin blue dress
Based on leather armor
Instead of adding your dexterity to your armor class, you use your charisma stat instead. You gain a reaction that allows you to double your charisma modifier when someone attempts to hit you with a melee weapon. You parry with your butt. That’s the joke.
Resistant Armor
1 Gold + Original Cost Of Armor, Uncommon
Wrapped in invisible flow fabric that drips in between events that unfold beyond our comprehension. Anyway, funny magic resists.
Based on original armor
This armor gains a magical resistance to a type of damage
Quick Doff Armor
1 Gold + Original Cost Of Armor, Uncommon
The armor is covered in lightning symbolled runes that give slight jolts to nerves when touched for too long.
Based on original armor
Instead of taking a full turn, you can now equip or unequip this armor as an extra action.
Enhanced Armor
10 Gold + Original Cost Of Armor, Rare
The armor is surrounded in glyphs of different kinds. Abjuration, Creation, Divination? It matters not, a smith got busy with a mage last night.
Based on original armor, except add +1 to your AC
Wearing the armor gives you a magical ability you can only use while wearing the armor. These passive abilities could include minor flight, speed, strength, or other magical power ups that could greatly assist in the daily fights. The passive ability depends on whatever’s being sold.
Block Pro Shield
30 Gold, Rare
A blue translucent tower shield. Created out of desperation and remade to be more efficient.
Based on a metal shield
You can choose to use two hand slots instead of 1 to hold the shield. This creates a 10ft radius dome around you. Attacks directed at other creatures in the dome are redirected at you, but damage is dealt to the dome instead of you if it breaks AC
The dome has 100 HP and gets 5 HP back for every attack that misses. Upon reaching 0, it shatters and can’t be used until long rest.
Hidden Armor
30 Gold + Original Cost Of Armor, Legendary
The armor is made of the same hardened paper those elf infested dwarves made, but instead of collapsing the armor is now so light it feels as floaty as paper.
Based on original armor, except add +1 to your AC
The armor can now be worn underneath your own clothing. It still has the exact same effectiveness as normal armor and its properties but now you can attempt to hide the fact that you are wearing armor at all. You can even comfortably wear it in your sleep.
Throwing Shield
50 Gold, Legendary
A metallic shield shaped like a concave disk. Taken from America’s best.
Based on a metal shield, but it gives a +5 bonus to AC instead of +3
As a bonus action, you can throw your shield at a creature within 20ft of you or whoever it’s hovering around and will return on the same bonus action. it has the to hit modifier and damage of a weapon you have in your other hand. if there’s no weapon there, it will have the properties of an unarmed strike.
As an extra action, you can command your shield to shield someone else other than you within eyesight. the shield bonus will add to their armor class instead of yours, the shield will still take up an equipment slot while this is happening
Demon Armor
200 Platinum, Cursed
Plate consists of shaped, interlocking metal plates to cover the entire body. Includes gauntlets, heavy leather boots, a visored helmet, and thick layers of padding underneath the armor.
Based on full plate armor, except add +3 to your ac and damage reduction
The armor itself counts as a magical focus that immediately gives you a +3 to your spellcasting that can be increased. Once you don this cursed armor, you can’t doff it unless you use a curse removal effect.
When subjected to any rolls concerning anything the DM would consider “evil magic,” you have disadvantage on the roll.
The armor’s clawed gauntlets turn unarmed strikes with your hands into magic weapons that deal dark magical slashing damage, with a +3 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls and a damage die of 1d8.
Cannot Be Bought, Cursed
A Backpack Sized Beetle That Gives Off A Dim Blue Glow. Created By The King Of Nothing.
This will take up a chest equipment slot, requiring a curse removal effect to remove.
Your Maximum Health goes to 1 And Your Death’s Door Ratio goes from 30:70 to 10:90. However, you instantly gain overhealth equal to your maximum health that will not disappear on a long rest. Your actual HP becomes 1 and cannot be increased by any means unless the backpack is removed.
If you are healed, add the amount you would heal to your overhealth. You can have up to a maximum of 50 overhealth.
Face Of The Forgotten
Cannot Be Bought, Cursed
A simple wooden mask with eyeholes to see through. A relic corrupted by time.
This will take up your head equipment slot. When you put on the mask, you need to make a DC 15 charisma will save.
Upon a success, your speed doubles and you have +3 to all attack rolls. You do not need to roll another save against the max for the rest of the day. You are also able to take off the mask on a success.
Upon a failure you still gain the benefits from succeeding, but you are put under the controlled condition and must barbarically attack the closest creature until they’re dead. Every round where you haven’t been able to roll to attack someone you are able to reroll the save.