If you want to get anything from the Beast Bond Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Beast Bond Archetype. this means you need:

Mystic Bond & Either Sharing Ourself or Sharing The Flow

Mother Nature

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Beast Bond

If an animal has never been hostile towards you and isn’t tamed by another creature, double the total of all nature skill checks when trying to interact with them.

We Are!

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Beast Bond

During a short rest, you can merge your body and soul with your mystic bonded animal. You get the following benefits for doing this:

  • Add nature bonus to all rolls and your AC

  • Your shared racial traits are doubled in effect

(You can choose to unmerge with your animal at a short rest. Merging like this also means you cannot command your mystic bonded animal as an extra action or use them on yourself)


4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Beast Bond

The animal you have a mystic bond with now gains your technique makers and spellmakers. The DM can now make custom techniques for the animal at a short rest.

Immortal Bond

4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Beast Bond

The animal you have a mystic bond is immortal as long as you are alive. Once you die and your bond is severed, your animal loses their immortality.

(Merging using We Are! will not make you immortal. Dying while merge will have you die while your animal is survives)

Danger Sense

4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Beast Bond

If you have the fierce perk, your animal doesn’t need to see it coming for them to have advantage on a saving throw.