🍳Cooking Abilities

Wisdom Skill Check : Cooking

Requires Proficiency In Cooking Utensils

(This can be taken during character creation)

Measures your culinary ability in general and specific cooking. This skill check also allows you to make all of the food related items in general items.

You must have your cooking utensils’ on your person or you will automatically fail the check. Gain a +2 bonus to the skill check.

Resting Meal

Requires Wisdom Skill Check : Cooking

If you spend ingredients points at a short rest, 1 for every person in your party at that short rest, they get to do both the restore and activity options at said short rest.

Abstract Food Prep

Requires Sous Chef

As an extra action as you’re about to use a meal you can add aspects of another recipe to change the effect on the spot.

However, your meal has a -5 to it’s roll and DC when mixed like this.


Requires Sous Chef

As an extra action as you’re about to use a meal, you can spend extra ingredient points to improve your meal. Each of the following effects are 2 points each and you can spend up to 6 points:

(Additional Damage Dice, Additional Spell Target, Doubled Range/radius/cone)

Acquired Tastes

Requires Abstract Food Prep

As you’re making a meal, you can choose to cook it in a way where most people won’t like it at first but it will yield greater rewards for eating. this way of cooking will create an Acquired Meal.

if you choose to cook an Acquired Meal, you get to double the effects of the original meal but there’s now a new downside as powerful as the restrictions of Sous Chef. If the meal is supposed to debuff or harm someone, the downside will instead do the opposite an be a positive effect on whoever it effects.

Kapoor’s Mixing

Requires Seasonings And Mystic Flavors

As you’re making a meal, you can choose to infuse your magical aspects into the food to make the flavor more than mystical. This way of cooking will create a Kapoorish meal.

if you choose to cook a Kapoorish meal, you get to add an additional passive effect to your meal based on the restrictions of your cooking and aspects of what makes you magical.