Shell Shell
1 Silver Per Pound, Uncommon
Found underwater, this material has many uses that really only work underwater. While the name is simple, it’s pretty self explanatory for what it’s used for.
When used in weapons and ammunition only, you have advantage on attacks underwater, all weapons gain the thrown property at no disadvantage, and distance is not halted by underwater physics.
When used in armor only, anyone who wears Shell Shell armor will have a swimming speed of 10ft plus their normal walking speed.
1 Silver Per Pound, Uncommon
A plant grown material that is as strong as metal. Found in dense forests and underground oases. The plant is a flower with a shiny stem, when the flower blooms the regenro is ready to harvest. It cannot be cultivated anywhere other than locations it’s already found in.
When used in crafting heavy armor only, whenever you are out of damage reduction before the start of your next turn and after you take real damage, gain 1 damage reduction back. This 1 point will not carry over when your normal damage reduction restores at the start of your next turn.
Glide Leaf
1 Silver Per Pound, Uncommon
Grown on sky trees, these leaves resemble feathers but decay like leaves so they expire quickly. The trees these leaves grow on are typically found in high up environments and like the cold so even the harshest of winters won’t prevent this tree from growing leaves.
When used in concoctions only, it gives concoctions different effects based on which type you make. Beverages are given floating effects, and the range of splash and zone concoctions are doubled.
Sap Steal
5 Silver Per Pound, Rare
A metal that grows in magic dense areas. It grows back naturally, doubling in size every year left unattended. Due to this, it has been known to completely destroy magic dense areas so if any is found it is closely monitored or moved to an area where magic isn’t as prevalent.
When used in crafting armor only, the armor get’s 5 slots. When you take damage from a magical spell with a sap steal armor set on, you can use a reaction to absorb the spell into the armor and take half damage from the spell. Doing this will take up slots, the tier of the spell is how many slots it takes up. Once all 5 slots are filled up, you cannot use the reaction anymore and must long rest to empty the slots, though when this happens the metal expands making it bigger. You can easily cut off the excess metal if you have forging tools. You get 1 pound of metal for each slot turned into extra metal.
Brittle Leaf
5 Silver Per Enough For A Concoction, Rare
A weak but sharp leaf found in forests and mountains with a deadly brim. Due to how easily they fracture, they’re literally put in a haystack so they’re kept intact without cutting things to shreds around them.
When used in a splash potion roll a d4, the number is how many rounds of additional bleed damage, use the normal concoction damage die, the creature will take upon getting hit with the concoction if the creature can bleed or the target isn’t resistant or immune to piercing damage.
Can be used in beverage or zone type concoctions, have fun improvising!
Saprell Steal
1 Gold Per Pound, Rare
A metal that grows in magic dense areas. It stays the same girth and size throughout its lifespan, but seems to steal the very magic around it that influenced its growth. Due to this, it has been known to turn magical areas into gray husks of what they used to be.
When used in crafting armor only, you gain a reaction whenever you get hit with a spell. When you take magical damage from a spell, you can store that spell in your armor and release it at any time as another reaction. When you use that reaction, you use your constitution and your fortitude bonus to roll to hit against someone or for the spell DC. You can store one spell at a time.
Brittle Death
1 Gold Per Pound, Rare
A weak stone found in deserts and wastelands with a powerful kick. Due to how easy it is to break them, they are shipped in boxes of sand to keep them safe without suffering much damage.
When used in crafting weapons and special ammunition only, it does 3 times its normal damage but breaks on use.
Volatile Rage Stone
1 Gold Per Pound, Rare
Found near volcanoes, this material is both hard to come by and hard to return with. Due to its dangerous nature it is commonly contained within non-flammable liquids to prevent the stones from burning nearby items and potentially exploding.
When used in concoctions only, it doubles damage dealt and increases saving throw DCs by 2. If it’s a beverage, you gain a +2 damage alongside the normal effects of that concoction.
3 Gold Per Pound, Rare
It doesn’t naturally form on the earth, rather it’s formed after a thunderstorm when lightning strikes a conductive rock, which will always be once per storm regardless of location.
When used in weapons and guns only, you can have up to 5 pounds of magnetic material hover around your weapon or gun. You gain a +1 to damage for every pound that hovers the weapon.
When used in armor only, you can have up to 5 pounds of magnetic material hover around your weapon. You gain a +1 to AC for every pound that hovers the armor.
The pounds that surround your weapons, guns, or armors have an AC of 5 and a hit point of 1, so they can be destroyed. You can pick up magnetic materials with an extra action.
Hardened Fossil
3 Gold Per Pound, Rare
Fossils are common but finding one that is usable for weapons and armor is a real gamble since it’s not very easy to tell.
When used in weapons, guns, and armor, you add +2 to all rolls related to the weapon, gun, or armor. However, equipping an item made with hardened fossil material reduces your movement speed by 5ft.
10 Gold Per Pound, Legendary
A unique stone with no known natural environment and no known way of how it is made or found, it just exists somewhere in the earth before it was found.
When used in melee weapons only, you can give a weapon a 30ft ranged attack made of ink. You still roll with the same hit bonuses and you deal the same damage, the only difference is that it’s ranged and the damage is ink damage instead of the weapon’s normal damage.
When used in ranged weapons and guns only, you can use your bonus action to make another attack entirely made out of ink. It deals ink damage and does two less damage.
When used in armors only, while wearing the armor you can wear two more trinkets than if you weren’t wearing the armor.
50 Gold Per Pound, Legendary
At first glance the people who harvest this are seen as insane since they don’t seem to be harvesting anything but once you get closer, you find out that this area is unable to be seen at all.
When used in making anything, it is completely invisible and cannot be seen even through magic means unless something coats the item, something is on the item to convey something is there, or a creature has truesight. Perception checks to find this item will always fail but investigation checks can be used to find orevissable items. This ore is non magical so arcane checks to detect it will fail. Trinkets and potions will also be invisible.