If you want to get anything from the Creative Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Creative Archetype. this means you need:

Tier 5 Creative, Magical Secrets, & Thaumaturgy, Master Of Magic From General Magic Ace

Tier 6 Creative

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Creative

10 Mana, 300ft, 6 targets, have a +4 to their spell DC, and can be casted as an action, bonus action, and reaction.

Even if you have access to multiple magical ace pages, a character can only have 1 Tier 6.


Requires Barrier Of Entry : Creative

If a creature isn't magical or doesn't have any other type of power then your conditions are permanent on them if they fail the save against them.

Jack’s Aura

4 Point | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Creative

You gain a passive aura of 10ft times your charisma. If anyone you consider an ally is in this aura, they benefit from your Jacky’s Trade perk

Power Of Mirror

4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Creative

Using thaumaturgy can now replicate the restrictions of the magical elements you copy. However, casting a spell using the restrictions of a magic you copy will cost double the mana.

Lifelike Living

4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Creative

You can replicate creatures and real money through object magic

(Creatures summoned by you aren’t controlled by you at all)