No matter how much bigger one person’s role in development was than the other, everyone listed here still had a huge impact on Free Flowing in their own way.
Please give the proper respect to everyone on this list.
Free Flowing was created through community.
Important Note Before Reading Further
Special Mentions
i’m no longer in contact with him and never really got too close, but without ryse’s advice i would have not gone in the direction with free flowing that i did.
wherever you are ryse, you’ll probably eventually find this cause i know how much you love reading systems, thank you.
Matthew Dixon
This is my brother.
He’s really smart and fucking awesome. I’ve bounced a lot of ideas off of this little guy that’s taller than me and stronger. He’s been supportive of this game of mine ever since it started even if he doesn’t understand everything about it.
He’s fucking awesome man.
Kathy Dixon
This is my mom, there is no one more patient than her.
i created so many problems after i went to college and especially when i came back. no matter what situation i was in, even after all the driving she had to do the first year of college, she has never regarded me as stupid or incompetent. she was always looking for a way to help me get back on my feet.
and she found it.
she found a random book aimed at children that helped kids with adhd and very special learning types learn how to learn. without her finding that on a whim, i wouldn’t have the time or motivation to work on this passion project.
mom, thanks for helping me learn right for the first time in my life.
This is my dad, he’s my goddamn hero.
Without him, I wouldn’t have kept pursuing my dreams and Free Flowing would have died.
He has a special way of making me still want to chase after my dreams, even when in early 2023 I completely gave up on everything I wanted to do and thought I was a failure.
My dad is the reason any of this is still going and he’s the best person in the entire world
hey dad, thanks for reading this and thank you so much.