If you want to get anything from the Elemental Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Elemental Archetype. this means you need:
Elemental Spellmaker Tier I
Ace Path Upgrade
Instead of casting an Elemental Spell, you can use your action or reaction to manipulate an naturally occurring instance of nature by your Elemental Spellmaker Restrictions
Requires Naturalist
Essence Of Life
Special Ace Path Upgrade
When you manipulate naturally occurring elements or instances of nature using either Ace Path Upgrade, Elemental Spells get a +2 bonus to attack rolls and Spell DC
Requires Naturakinesis and Elementokinesis
Ace Path Upgrade
Instead of casting an Elemental Spell, you can use your action or reaction to manipulate naturally occurring instances of your Primordial Element by your Elemental Spellmaker Restrictions
Requires Primordial Element
Ace Ability
When you use the Nemo Special Action to teleport to an instance of nature, you can choose to merge into it. When merged into that piece of nature, as long as it is intact, you cannot be attacked; however you are not able to attack or cast spells.
Requires Dendrologist
Ace Ability
When you walk into an area with nature, roll a nature skill check. Depending on what you roll, the DM must answer a varying number of questions about the environment you just walked into.
Requires Nature Speak
Ace Ability
As a quick action, you can spend mana points equal to a fourth of your maximum to transform into an animal that you have seen before. While transformed, replace your physical base stats and movement with that of the animal’s if their stats and movement are better.
Immediately gain Overhealth equal to the amount of mana you spent to transform, you will stay transformed until you either lose all this Overhealth or this Overhealth is replaced.
(Therianthropy and Zoanthropy cannot be used at the same time)
Requires Beastial
Ace Ability
You gain a new Special Action: Synthesis
Only during combat as a quick action, you can gain back health or mana equal to your spellcasting stat + your spellcasting bonus when in nature. Mana regained this way can only be used on Elemental Spells
Repeated use of this ability on the same area of nature will drain and destroy it since you are getting resources back by stealing it from the environment.
Requires Naturalist and Backpacker (At least 5)
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
4 Points | No Max
Gain an additional Primordial Element
Requires Primordial Element
4 Points | 1 Max
All of your Elemental Spellmaker elements are now considered magical, meaning that it bypasses non-magical resistances to that damage type
Requires Gaia
4 Points | 1 Max
Your Primordial Element is considered mystical, meaning that it bypasses magical resistances to that damage type and is unaffected by anti-magical effects
Requires Tartarus
4 Points | 1 Max
The instance of nature does not have to be naturally occurring for you to manipulate it
Requires Naturakinesis
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
4 Points | 1 Max
Characters that try to use blocking or fortitude saves against your spells that use your Primordial element automatically fail
Requires Chaos
4 Points | 4 Max
The instance of your Primordial Element does not have to be naturally occurring for you to manipulate it
Requires Elementokinesis
4 Points | 1 Max
Regain all of the racial traits you’ve replaced without getting rid of the Beastly Aspects you’ve gained
Requires Beastly Factor (4)
4 Points | 1 Max
Therianthropy and Zoanthropy can now be used at the same time
Requires All Elemental Path Upgrades, Abilities, and Perks
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
4 Points | 1 Max
You can now use the Nemo Special Action on your action, quick action, and reaction in the same round.
Requires Nemophilist
4 Points | 1 Max
The instance of nature you merge into becomes indestructible as long as you are still merged into it
Requires Mergesort
Human Factor
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
Reverse Leech
Ace Perk
Beast Boy
Ace Perk
4 Points | 1 Max
You do not detransform upon losing your Overhealth, transformation duration rules are now the same as Therianthropy
Requires Zoanthropy
4 Points | 1 Max
Using the Synthesis Special Action has no consequence on the environment, instead making it evolve and grow beyond its original state
Requires Synthesis