If you want to get anything from the Agile Combat Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Agile Combat Archetype. this means you need:

At Least +5 Dexterity


Ace Ability

You gain a new special action: Escape

As a quick action, you can instantly end an effect or condition that restricts your movement in some way. For the rest of the turn, you passively benefit from the Dash and Retreat special actions.

No Requirement


Ace Ability

When you make an attempt to break someone’s armor class, until the start of your next turn, that character cannot use reactions to react to your movement action.

Requires Horde Escapee (5)

Surprise Attack

Ace Ability

When initiative is called, regardless of the resulting turn order, you get to have a turn before combat initiative takes effect.

(If you are at the top of initiative, this ability does not activate)

Requires All Normal Agile Combat Abilities

Flash Interact

Ace Perk

Quick Reflex

Ace Perk

4 Points | 1 Max

Your Flash Action can now do everything you can do on your interaction

Requires Flash Act

4 Points | 1 Max

Reflexes is now used as a free action instead of a reaction.

Requires Reflexes

Uncanny Dodge

Ace Perk


Ace Perk

4 Points | 3 Max

You can use Reflexes more than once per round

Requires Quick Reflex

4 Points | 1 Max

When using Riposte, you get an additional movement action and can move up to your full walking speed before making your opportunity attack

Requires Counter

Locked In

Ace Perk

Escape Artist

Ace Perk

4 Points | 1 Max

You can stay in the Flow State without the risk of gaining levels of exhaustion from it.

Requires Optimal Focus (4)

4 Points | 1 Max

The Escape Special Action can now be performed as a reaction. When used like this, you also get a movement action on your reaction

Requires Escape

Peak Performer

Ace Perk

Speed Feats

Ace Perk

4 Points | 1 Max

When you are in the Flow State, attack rolls have disadvantage against you

Requires Flow State

4 Points | 1 Max

If you make any type of roll related to another character, then that character cannot use reactions to react to your movement action until the start of your next turn

Requires Skirmish

Medium Master

Ace Perk

Honored One

Ace Perk

4 Points | 1 Max

When calculating your AC when wearing medium armor, increase the total by 5

Requires Armor Expert : Medium

2 Points | 10 Max

When you roll damage for an attack roll made in the Flow State, add +1 to the damage total

Requires Flow State

Peak Comrade

Ace Perk

Speed Expert

Ace Perk

4 Points | 1 Max

The advantage effect from Pack Mentality affects all saving throws

However, you do not add the bonus from Pack Mentality to all saving throws

Requires Pack Cohesion

4 Points | 1 Max

As long as you are able to take your movement action, attack rolls cannot have any levels of advantage against you

Requires Escape Artist and Speed Feats