If you want to get anything from the Combat Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Combat Archetype. this means you need:
Battle Tactics or At Least 1 Combat Ability
Master Of War
Ace Path Upgrade
You can perform three Path Of Combat Custom Moves at the same time instead of one on your actions and reactions. If more than 1 Custom Move involves a saving throw, characters only need to roll 1 to combat them.
Your Path Of Combat Custom Moves now gain a +3 to their total rolls and their DC increases by 3.
Requires The Art Of War
Determined Methods
Special Ace Path Upgrade
When you choose to improvise a Path Of Combat Custom Move, you don’t have a -5 debuff to your rolls and characters don’t have a +5 bonus to saving throws against your custom moves
However, you don’t get to add bonuses to your Custom Move rolls or DC from The Art Of War or Master Of War if you choose to improvise a Custom Move
Requires Improvised Wits
The Great
Special Ace Path Upgrade
You are now able to add bonuses to your Custom Move rolls or DC from the Master Of War if you choose to improvise a Custom Move
Your Path Of Combat Custom Moves now gain a +4 to their total rolls and their DC increases by 4.
Require Master Of War and Determined Wits
Weapon Master
Ace Ability
Depending on the type of Weapon Expert you chose, you now have a +5 bonus with those weapons. The Weapon Adept perk can now be used to increase your bonus with those weapons up to a 10.
Requires Weapon Expert (Any)
Armor Master
Ace Ability
Depending on the type of Armor Expert you chose, you add an additional +3 to your AC when wearing the armor instead of +1
Requires Armor Expert (Any)
Champion Surge
Ace Ability
Once per combat, you gain an additional action that you can only use to make attack with a weapon or use a Path Of Combat Custom Move
Requires Superior Tactics
Battle Prowess
Ace Perk
Master Instincts
Ace Perk
2 Points | 3 Max
Depending on the type of Weapon Expert you chose, once per long rest you can reroll a weapon or firearm attack roll that missed
Requires Weapon Expert (Any)
4 Points | 1 Max
You now have true sight with range equal to the maximum range of the weapon you’re currently holding, meaning you can see through stealth and invisibility
Requires Protective Style or Defensive Style
Ace Perk
Combat Expert
Ace Perk
Defense Master
Ace Perk
Instant Equip
Ace Perk
Black Belt
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
Superior Crit
Ace Perk
Flurried Blows
Ace Perk
4 Points | 1 Max
After the first time you roll to break a character’s armor class, the DM must state what that character’s current armor class is
Requires Weapon Expert (Any)
4 Points | 1 Max
If you get a 1 on a weapon damage roll. Reroll it until you get a higher number.
No Requirement
4 Points | 1 Max
You can equip or unequip a weapon as a free action as many times as you want per turn
Requires Quick Equip (2)
4 Points | 1 Max
You can now perform the Block Special Action as a quick action
Requires Defensive Style
Quick Gear
Ace Perk
Protect Master
Ace Perk
4 Points | 1 Max
Instead of needing to be within melee range, you can use you reaction to take an attack for someone else as long as your maximum walking speed is far enough
Requires Protective Style
4 Points | 1 Max
You can fully equip or unequip an armor as either an action or quick action
Requires Quick Equip (2)
4 Points | 2 Max
When you use your reaction to make an Attack Of Opportunity, you can make an additional attack on the same reaction
Requires Opportunity Attack (Any)
4 Points | 4 Max
Increase the damage die of your martial arts attack every time you get this perk:
D6 -> D8 -> D10 -> D12 -> D20
Requires Unarmed Style
4 Points | 2 Max
You can now perform Flurried Strike more than once per combat
Requires Flurried Strike
4 Points | 1 Max
You now need to roll either a natural 18, 19, or 20 in order to get a critical strike on an attack or a critical save on a saving throw.
Requires Improved Crit