If you want to get anything from the Magic Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Magic Archetype. this means you need:
At Least +5 Spellcasting Bonus
Spellcasting Master
Ace Ability
You now have a +5 bonus with any spellcasting focus. The stronger focus perk can now be used to increase your bonus up to a 10.
Requires Spellcasting Expert
Magical Recovery
Ace Ability
When you roll for initiative, you regain an amount of mana points equal to a fourth of your maximum mana points
No Requirement
Manifest Spell
Ace Ability
You gain a new Special Action: Manifest
As a quick action you can activate one of your Custom Spells on yourself, benefiting from one of the effects that your spells can put on characters.
This is not the same as casting a spell centered on yourself, it cannot appear outside of your body or as a radius or cone around you.
No Requirement
Magical Recoup
Ace Perk
Incarnate Spell
Ace Perk
4 Points | 1 Max
Instead of regaining mana points equal to a fourth of your maximum, it is now equal to half of your maximum
Requires Magical Recovery
4 Points | 1 Max
The Manifest Special Action can be used as an interaction action
Requires Manifest Spell
Ultra Spell
Ace Perk
Ultimate Shape
Ace Perk
Turbo Spell
Ace Perk
Oppressive Spell
Ace Perk
Magi Defenses
Ace Perk
Magi Immunity
Ace Perk
Wonderous Companion
Miraculous Companion
Ace Perk
Spell Defiance
Ace Perk
Catchy Spells
Ace Perk
Iconic Spells
Ace Perk
Fantastical Companion
4 Points | 1 Max
When using a free action to reshape a Custom Spell, you no longer need to expend mana to modify your spell
Requires Reshaped Spell
4 Points | 1 Max
There is no longer a limit on how much mana you can spend on the Charge Special Action.
Requires Super Spell
4 Points | 1 Max
The Intensify Special Action can now be used as a free action right before you cast a spell
Requires Intense Spell
4 Points | 1 Max
The Charge Special Action can now be used as a free action right before you cast a spell
Requires Charged Spell
Tyrant Spell
Ace Perk
Sonorous Spell
Ace Perk
4 Points | 1 Max
The Resonate Special Action can now be used as a free action once per turn
Requires Resonant Spell
4 Points | 1 Max
Instead of needing to spend double the original mana cost, you only need to spend two extra mana in order to use the Intensify Special Action
Requires Intense Spell
4 Points | 1 Max
Choose one of the magical damage types that you’re resistant to. You are now immune to that damage type.
Requires Magi Defenses (At Least 1)
2 Points | No Max
You can now be resistant to an additional magical damage type. The rules from the Magic Resistance perk still apply.
Requires Magical Resistance
4 Points | 1 Max
Your magical companion gains a quick action, they also can now use any of your magical abilities
Requires Magical Companion
4 Points | 1 Max
Double your magic stat when adding it to your magical companions armor class or movement speed
Requires Magical Companion
4 Points | 1 Max
Every short or long rest, you can now also choose two spells that can be casted at your Tier 4 while ignoring the normal mana cost.
Requires Infamous Spells and Path Of Magic Tier 4 (Any)
4 Points | 1 Max
When you make a saving throw that involves magic in some way, you can add your spellcasting bonus to the total roll
Requires Spell Evasion
4 Points | 1 Max
After you summon your magical companion, add double your magic stat to its HP
Requires Wonderous Companion
4 Points | 1 Max
Every short or long rest, you can now also choose one spell that can be casted at your Tier 5 while ignoring the normal mana cost.
Requires Catchy Spells and Path Of Magic Tier 5 (Any)