This means that the construct in question can be driven or ridden properly
This vehicle only moves on solid ground. It still suffers from difficult terrain.
This vehicle only moves on water or other pools of liquid. It still suffers from difficult terrain.
This vehicle can only move through the air. Bypasses most means of Difficult terrain.
There’s no debuff upon trying to attack the rider of the vehicle. Additionally, upon an attack missing a rider’s AC by no more than 5, the attack will automatically hit the vehicle.
While this vehicle can’t fly, it can hover off the ground by up to 50ft, bypassing most instances of difficult terrain.
If an attack is made at someone riding in the vehicle, it’s at disadvantage.
Vehicle is Made of metal, can’t be healed with magic and is vulnerable to lightning.
A Vehicle that doesn’t require normal fuel. Might require being pulled or physical effort to move.
Vehicle is Made of wood, vulnerable to fire.
Gas Powered
A Vehicle that needs gasoline and other fossil fuel types in order to fuel the vehicle.
Fuel To Distance Ratio Is Up To DM.
A Vehicle that uses means other than gasoline to fuel it. Could be electricity, a battery that needs to be recharged, hell you could even configure a way for powers like magic and supernatural options to work.
Fuel To Distance Ratio Is Up To DM.
The vehicle is able to negate an amount of non-magical damage based on its size
Large can negate 6 damage.
Huge can negate 8 damage.
Gargantuan can negate 10 damage.
Colossal can negate 12 damage.
Titanic can negate 15 damage.
The vehicle is so big that it’s hardpoint weapons become saving throws instead of rolling to break a creature’s AC.
Saving Throw DC is based on size
Large has a DC of 12
Huge has a DC of 15
Gargantuan has a DC of 17
Colossal has a DC of 20
Titanic has a DC of 25