Construct, Common
35ft per round
HP/AC: Less than 10Hp/12-14
Seats: One (You can try two)
Hardpoints: 2
Properties: Medium, Ground, Metallic, Exposed, Fuelless, (can use the dash action)
Cost: Bikes can go for a lot if you get one made with expensive materials, but most can go for a couple silver.
Beast, Uncommon
60ft per round
HP/AC: Around 10HP/10-11
Seats: Two Max
Hardpoints: 0, it’s a horse.
Properties: Medium, Ground, Beast, exposed, Fuelless, (can use the dash action)
Cost: A Good steed usually goes for 5-10 gold.
Construct, Rare
60ft per round
HP/AC: Around 30HP/12-15
Seats: Up to four
Hardpoints: 1-4 (Depends on size)
Properties: Medium, ground, covering, wooded, fuelless
Cost: Usually around 100 gold, but can go lower depending on the model.
Construct, Rare
60/100ft per round
HP/AC: Around 30HP/12-15
Seats: Up to Six (can be bigger)
Hardpoints: 1-4 (Depends on size)
Properties: Large, Ground, covering, wooded, covering
Cost: Usually around 100 gold, but can go lower depending on the model.
Construct, Uncommon
60/100ft per round
HP/AC: Around 30HP/12-15
Seats: Up to four (Unless bigger)
Hardpoints: 1-4 (Depends on size)
Properties: Large,
Cost: Usually around 100 gold, but can go lower depending on the model.
Construct, Uncommon
60/100ft per round
HP/AC: Around 30HP/12-15
Seats: Up to four (Unless bigger)
Hardpoints: 1-4 (Depends on size)
Properties: Large,
Cost: Usually around 100 gold, but can go lower depending on the model.
Construct, Uncommon
60/100ft per round
HP/AC: Around 30HP/12-15
Seats: Up to four (Unless bigger)
Hardpoints: 1-4 (Depends on size)
Properties: Large,
Cost: Usually around 100 gold, but can go lower depending on the model.
Hot Air Balloon
Construct, Uncommon
60/100ft per round
HP/AC: Around 30HP/12-15
Seats: Up to four (Unless bigger)
Hardpoints: 1-4 (Depends on size)
Properties: Large,
Cost: Usually around 100 gold, but can go lower depending on the model.