If you want to get anything from the Heavy Combat Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Heavy Combat Archetype. this means you need:

Skill Check : Grapple, Buff Body, & Try Something

Warrior’s Pride

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Heavy Combat

When you are reduced to half of your maximum health, you gain a 1.5 times multiplier to all damage done by a strength based weapon. If you are reduced to under 10 hit points, you gain a 2 times multiplier on top of the other multiplier to all damage done by a strength based weapon.


Requires Barrier Of Entry : Heavy Combat

When you reach half health, you become resistant to all types of physical damage. This includes physical damage from magic and powers.

No Bell

2 Point | 3 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Heavy Combat

You can use the indomitable perk more than once per long rest.


4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Heavy Combat

Try something can be procked by attacks other than melee, you can also move up to your walking speed before making your opportunity attack.

Total Unit

4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Heavy Combat

When adding your con to your armor class with buff body, double your constitution.