If you want to get anything from the Brutal Combat Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Brutal Combat Archetype. this means you need:

At Least +5 Strength Or Constitution

Spiteful Defiance

Ace Ability

When you fail a DD Survival Roll, you can roll a fortitude saving throw. Succeeding on the saving throw means that you can turn that DD Survival Roll failure into a success.

The starting DC is 15, every success increases the DC by 10. The DC only resets at a long rest and Endurance has no effect on this DC.

Requires Endurance and +5 Bonus In Fortitude

Towering Rage

Ace Ability

When you are in the Frenzy State you are resistant to all forms of physical damage, even if the damage is empowered by magic or some other power.

Requires Rage and Be Somewhat Magical

Powerful Build

Ace Ability

When rolling Launch N’ Lift to throw an object or character, double the total roll. you can also easily pick up any object as long as it doesn’t weigh more than ten times your character’s full weight.

Requires +5 Launch N’ Lift Bonus


Ace Perk

Instant Grapple

Ace Perk

4 Points | 1 Max

As long as you move at least a foot of movement on your turn, you can make an attack on your movement action

Requires Limber

4 Points | 1 Max

You can now use the Grapple Special Action on your action, quick action, and reaction in the same round.

Requires Quick Grapple

No Bell

Ace Perk


Ace Perk

Brick Wall

Ace Perk

Heavy Unit

Ace Perk

Heavy Master

Ace Perk

Mountain Level

Ace Perk

Rage Bonus

Ace Perk

Universal Rage

Ace Perk

4 Points | 1 Max

When using Retaliate, you get an additional movement action and can move up to your full walking speed before making your opportunity attack

Requires Revenge

2 Points | 3 Max

You can use Indomitable more than once per long rest.

Requires Indomitable

4 Points | 1 Max

Wearing Heavy Armor doesn’t negate the effects of Rage and Rampage

Requires Rage and Rampage

2 Points | 5 Max

When calculating your armor class when not wearing armor, add +1 to the total AC

Requires Well Built (5)


Ace Perk

Ruthless Crit

Ace Perk

4 Points | 1 Max

When rolling damage for a critical attack, add another damage dice

Requires Brutal Crit

4 Points | 1 Max

After using Indomitable, you heal back HP equal to a fourth of your maximum health

Requires Indomitable

4 Points | 1 Max

Every time you land an attack with a Heavy Weapon, you can roll use the Throw Special Action on your target without having to grab them

Requires Powerful Build

4 Points | 1 Max

When calculating your AC when wearing heavy armor, increase the total by 5

Requires Armor Expert : Heavy

4 Points | 1 Max

As long as the damage comes from a source you can see, you are resistant to all damage in the Frenzy State.

Requires Towering Rage and all Normal Brutal Combat Abilities and Perks

4 Points | 1 Max

When rolling for damage for a Heavy Weapon Attack, double your strength

Requires Rage