Javelin: 5 Silver

1d6 + DEX Piercing, Melee, Throwable

Javelin Ability : If you are attacked, you can use your reaction to roll your damage dice and add to your AC only for that one attack

Dart : 5 Copper

1d4 + DEX Piercing, Ranged 30ft (70ft)

Dart Ability : If you are attacked with a melee weapon, as a reaction you can use the disarm action using your attacking bonus with the weapon

Flail : 10 Gold

1d12 + DEX Piercing, Melee, Two-Handed

Flail Ability : If you hit someone that isn’t wearing armor, you can use a free action to grapple them with the weapon using the attacking bonus of the weapon

Lance : 10 Gold

1d12 + DEX Piercing, Melee, Two-Handed

Lance Ability : If you are on a ground vehicle, moving at least 30ft towards someone allows you to make a free action attack with your lance.

This can only be done once per turn

Morningstar : 15 Gold

1d8 + DEX Piercing, Melee

Morningstar Ability : If you hit someone’s limbs according to the attack on limbs rules, they are not able to use that limb until the end of their next turn

This only works for limbs, not body parts

Rapier : 25 Gold

1d8 + DEX Piercing, Melee

Rapier Ability : As a bonus action, you can feint a creature. If they fail an insight roll against your deception, they will have disadvantage on their next attack against you.

Whip : 2 Gold

1d4 + DEX Slashing, Melee, Ranged 15ft (25ft)

Whip Ability : As an action, bonus action, or reaction you can make a grapple using your weapon to hit modifier. You can only make 1 grapple per turn using this weapon

Blowgun : 10 Gold

1d6 + DEX Piercing, Ranged 40ft (120ft)

Blowgun Ability : After successfully hitting a creature with this weapon, you can use an extra action to make it Poison the creature.

The creature will take 1d4 + DEX poison damage at the start of each of it’s turns until it succeeds a DC15 tolerance saving throw. The creature can try to resist at the end of each of it’s turns.

Hand Crossbow : 15 Gold

1d8 + DEX Piercing, Ranged 30ft (120ft), Dual Wielding

Hand Crossbow Ability : When unequipped, you can make 1 attack with a hand crossbow as a free action per turn as long as you successfully hit a creature with another weapon

Longbow : 30 Gold

1d12 + DEX Piercing, Ranged 150ft (600ft)

Longbow Ability : Right before a combat called by initiative starts, you can make a reaction attack with you longbow that has double range and automatically crits whoever it hits