If you want to get anything from the Pact Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Pact Archetype. this means you need:
Pact Spellmaker Tier I
Patron’s Spellmaker
Ace Path Upgrade
You can now make spells using the restrictions that your patron has been using for their custom spells
Requires Pact Spellmaker Tier V and Eldritch Invocation
Pact Maker
Ace Path Upgrade
During a short rest as an activity, you are now able to make a pact with someone else and give them Pact Spellmaker Tier I. All of the rules and benefits that affected your patron are now placed on you as you continue the cycle.
Requires Ascension
Bargain Maker
Ace Path Upgrade
You can now use the Bargain Ability to make Bargains with any character. The only difference now is that you are in the position your patron was in.
Requires Ascension and Binding Bargain
Ace Ability
There is no longer a time limit on the Metamorphose ability.
Requires Conversion
Ace Ability
You are now considered a Patron and a Godly being.
Instead of deriving your magical power from any type of source, you are now the direct source of that magical power.
Requires Inception and Patron’s Spellmaker
The OuterWorlds
Ace Ability
During a short rest as an activity, you are now able to travel outside of your dimension into the OuterWorlds and to other dimensions and realms you know of. You can bring as many willing characters as you wish.
(More information will be able to be found on the FF Wiki when it’s done)
Requires Ascension
Ace Ability
You gain truesight with a range that spans the entire dimension you’re within. You are also now able to make memory skill checks to learn about any information as long as it is sourced from the dimension you’re currently in
Requires Ascension
Ace Perk
Seer Of All
Ace Perk
4 Points | 4 Max
Gain an additional target to all tiers of your Pact Spellmaker
Requires Eldritch
4 Points | 1 Max
You can make memory skill checks to learn information from any dimension, even if you’re not even close to that dimension.
Requires Omniscience
4 Points | 1 Max
You can travel dimensions within an action now.
Requires The OuterWorlds
4 Points | 1 Max
When you cast spells while race swapped with your patron, it gains an additional damage dice
Requires Metamorphose
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
4 Points | 3 Max
The Metamorphic perk now gains an additional damage die
Requires Metamorphic
4 Points | 4 Max
You simply can no longer be killed. You can still be knocked unconscious.
Requires All Pact Path Upgrades, Abilities, and Perks
4 Points | 1 Max
Regain all of your original racial traits while still retaining the ones you got from your Patron
Requires having used Additional Xerox to attain all of your Patron’s racial traits
4 Points | 1 Max
You are now able to look at all of your Patron’s skill check bonuses, racial traits, and custom spells
Requires Additional Xerox (At least 4) and Additional Invocation (At least 4)
Bend Of Reality
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
Kismet Spirit
Ace Perk
Controlling Fate
Ace Perk
4 Points | 1 Max
When you use the Interference Ability, it instantly works instead of your having to flip a coin or roll a D100
Requires Invested and Ascension
2 Points | 3 Max
Choose an additional magical damage type based on your patron and elements they gave you to gain an immunity to
Requires Fated (2)
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
Ace Perk
4 Points | 1 Max
You now have access to all of your Patron’s custom spells
Requires Peeking
4 Points | 1 Max
Your former patron is no longer able to kill you, but can still hurt and damage you
Requires Inception