Expeditious Potion
1 Gold, Uncommon
A bottle with blue smooth liquid that feels like the wind.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. For 3 minutes your speed will be doubled and you can dash as a free action once per turn.
Mountaineer Potion
1 Gold, Uncommon
A bottle with green bumpy liquid that tastes like dirt.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. For 3 minutes you gain a climbing speed of double your walking speed and you can make a jump as a free action once per turn.
Elemental Potion
1 Gold, Uncommon
A bottle with green and red rough substance that burns the tongue.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. For 3 minutes choose a magical element of nature, you now deal an extra damage die of that element.
Reformidant Potion
3 Gold, Rare
A bottle with green bumpy liquid that tastes like dirt.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. For 1 hour you shrink up to 2 creature sizes, you can choose.
Venomous Potion
5 Gold, Rare
A bottle with puke green coarse liquid that tastes like….like….i feel funny….
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. You must make a DC 15 tolerance saving throw or you will be put under the poisoned condition for an hour.
Healing Potion
Varying Cost, Varying Rarity
A bottle with red bubbly liquid that smells like strawberry.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. The cost, rarity, and healing power of the potion depends on its rarity, refer to the following below:
Tier 1, Common, 5 Silver, 1d4 + 1 HP
Tier 2, Uncommon, 3 Gold, 2d4 + 2 HP
Tier 3, Rare, 20 Gold, 3d4 + 3 HP
Tier 4, Legendary, 50 Gold, 4d4 + 4 HP
Tier 5, Legendary, 100 Gold, 5d4 + 5 HP
Stalwart Potion
Varying Cost, Varying Rarity
A bottle with red bubbly liquid that smells like strawberry.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. The cost, rarity, and strength enhancing power of the potion depends on its rarity and can only go up to +7, refer to the following below:
Tier 1, Rare, 3 Gold, +1 STR for 3 Minutes
Tier 2, Rare, 20 Gold, +2 STR for 4 Minutes
Tier 3, Legendary, 50 Gold, +3 STR for 4 Minutes
Tier 4, Legendary, 100 Gold, +4 STR for 5 Minutes
Tier 5, Fabled, 500 Gold, +5 STR for 5 Minutes
Behethmic Potion
Varying Cost, Varying Rarity
A bottle with an orange substance that smells like lemon.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. The cost, rarity, and growing power of the potion depends on its rarity, refer to the following below:
Tier 1, Rare, 5 Gold, Increase a creature size for 3 Minutes
Tier 2, Rare, 40 Gold, Increase 2 creature sizes for 4 Minutes
Tier 3, Legendary, 80 Gold, Increase 3 creature sizes for 4 Minutes
Tier 4, Legendary, 500 Gold, Increase 4 creature sizes for 5 Minutes
Withstandance Potion
Varying Cost, Varying Rarity
A bottle with a yellow blinding liquid that smells like iron.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. The cost, rarity, and resistance power of the potion depends on its rarity, refer to the following below:
Tier 1, Rare, 10 Gold, gain resistance to all non-magical damage for 3 minutes
Tier 2, Rare, 50 Gold, gain resistance to all magical damage for 3 minutes
Tier 3, Legendary, 500 Gold, +3 STR for 4 Minutes