Morphium Potion
1 Gold, Uncommon
A bottle with a mix of strange elements in it. You think you see some fur, blood, particles of teeth, parts of organs. This looks disgusting.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. At first, it doesn’t seem to have much of an effect. However, over the course of a few days, your race changes depending on the mixed elements in the potion.
EX: If there’s a bunch of triton parts like their head coral or parts or their skin, you will slowly turn into a triton.
Quick Rest Potion
15 Gold, Rare, Cursed?
A bottle with some sort of strange branding on it, something about “full day energy.” Must be from a failed society that likes 5 gum.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. Drinking this potion gives you the effect of a long rest. However, after you get the effects of a long rest, you gain a level of exhaustion. This means that the quick rest potion doesn’t negate the level of exhaustion.
If you drink another one in the same day, you will still get the effects of a long rest, but you’ll gain 2 levels of exhaustion. You gain more levels of exhaustion with the more you drink.
Dragon’s Tear Potion
1 Gold, Rare
A bottle with green and red rough substance that burns the tongue.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. For 3 minutes choose a magical element of nature, you now deal an extra damage die of that element.
Corruptor Potion
1 Copper, Uncommon, Cursed
There’s something living in that bottle. The blood red eyes and black pupils are looking at you. You are drinking a living being.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. For the next week, your attacks deal an extra 1d4 damage and you take 1d4 less damage from every source of damage.
For the duration of this potion, there are moments in time when you are tempted by what you’ve ingested. The DM can force you to make a varying DC Will save (any mental stat). Upon a failure, you gain a point of sanity loss and you perform a pure evil act in the DM’s opinion.
These temptations disappear with the effects of the potion at the end of the week. However, the DM can determine if what you drank is still in your body. This may lead to greater consequences.
For more information on sanity loss and corruption, look for the “Hell In A Spell” Spellbook in the KittyFoot Spellbook Pack in Spellbooks in the Magic Gear section of Magic Items.
Mutagen Potion
25 Platinum, Legendary, Cursed
A bottle with a green mucus that harms itself but also regenerates at the same time. Tastes like nothing and too much at the same time.
1 use. This can be drunk as an extra action. Drinking this potion forces Great Power! on you from Path Of Mutants, giving you a random power determined by the DM.
Unlike most cursed items, you are stuck with this power outside of divine intervention, the life equation scroll, or a divination scroll.