Corruptor Scroll
1 Copper, Uncommon, Cursed
A blood red scroll with something visceral streaming down the page.
1 use. As an action, you can force a creature within 60ft feet to make a DC 10 will save (any mental stat). Upon a failure, the creature takes on the effects of the corruption potion from the Otherworldly Potions.
Anti-Magic Scroll
30 Gold, Rare
A scroll that seems to eat away at the magic around it.
1 use. As an action, you can create a 30ft zone of anti-magic space centered on yourself. In this zone, any magical powers are negated and can’t be utilized. This zone lasts for 2 minutes.
Magic Techniques, Abilities, Items, Racial Traits, anything involving those powers
Sealing Scroll
30 Gold, Rare
A scroll that has neo-ancient runes spread across, ready to eternally trap its next victim.
1 use. As an action, you force a creature within melee range to make a DC 25 will save (any mental stat). Upon a failure, they are trapped within the scroll and kept in a stasis-like state. They will be released if the scroll is compromised or destroyed in any way.
Null Scroll
100 Gold, Legendary
A scroll that seems to suck in the reality around it.
1 use. As an action, you can create a 30ft zone of null space centered on yourself. In this zone, any magical or paracausal powers are negated and can’t be utilized. This zone lasts for 5 minutes.
Magic/Paracausal Techniques, Abilities, Items, Racial Traits, anything involving those powers
Magic Paths, Psionics
Paths like Chronomancy and Light/Dark
Ascendant Scroll
50 Platinum, Legendary
A scroll that speaks in a forgotten language of protectors.
1 use. As an action, you can temporarily travel the ascendant plane, thereby being able to teleport to any place you know of within the same plane of existence.
Time Scroll
100 Platinum, Fabled
A scroll that seems to be unaffected by the world around it, almost trapped in time.
1 use. As an action, you can completely stop time for 5 minutes. Nobody else other than you can act unless they have some type of counter to chronomancy.
True Ascendant Scroll
Can’t Be Bought, Fabled
A scroll that houses the secrets to the depths of the Flow.
1 use. As an action, teleport to any place on any place that you can imagine. You completely bypass ascendant and godly barriers.
Gol’s Personal Scroll
Can’t Be Bought, Fabled, Cursed
A normal looking scroll. No, what a minute….is that his face?
1 use. As an action, you can force a creature within 60ft feet to make a DC 30 will save (any mental stat). Upon a failure, the creature takes on the effects of the corruption potion from the Otherworldly Potions and automatically gains 5 corruption points.
Life Equation Scroll
Can’t Be Bought, Fabled
His will is absolute.
1 use. As an action, you can create a 60ft zone of anti-everything centered on yourself.
In this zone, any type of power can’t be used. So everything from ki, psionics, magic, paracausality, divine power, divination, super powers, corruption, and anything else that can be considered a power is negated completely. This zone lasts for 10 minutes.