If one of the weapons below says “Based On Original Weapon,” that means that the equipment slots, damage, range, and other properties of the supernatural weapon are based on one of the weapons found in battle items
Golden Boy’s Hammer
5 Gold, Uncommon
A goofy little hammer made out of actual gold. It was pawned off by some guy really angry about the fact he could only fix things.
Based on a normal handaxe
If you attack an object/structure instead of a creature, your damage will heal it instead of deal damage.
Morphing Weapon
15 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Rare, Cursed?
A firm soft stick made of green and black flesh. The stick is not sentient, but it is alive.
Upon equipping the morphing weapon into a hand slot, you can use an extra action to have the stick morph into any weapon that you yourself are proficient in.
After morphing, it’s based on an original weapon
The Morphing Weapon does require food in order to function, otherwise it will not be able to morph into any type of weapon. That, or the blasted thing might just stop listening to you, or worse, try to eat you!
Sealing Weapon
30 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Rare
A weapon that’s crawling with neo-ancient runes that are ready to trap its next victim.
Based on original weapon
When successfully breaking armor class with this weapon, you can use an extra action to use the weapon’s once per short rest ability to attempt to seal the creature you attack. The attacked creature needs to make a DC 15 will save (any mental stat), upon a failure they will be sealed within the weapon in a stasis-like state.
The only ways they can be set free is if the weapon is broken or the weapon user releases them as an extra action.
Viscera Weapon
50 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Legendary, Cursed
A weapon that becomes part of your own viscera and skeletal structure. You are literally beating other people with your bones.
Based on original weapon, but has an additional damage dice and rolls with it are made with a +3 bonus
This will equip to one of your arm slots regardless of whatever equipment slots the original weapon took up. Once equipped, it becomes part of your body, only being able to be removed with a curse removal effect or heavy surgery. This weapon will also have an additional damage die.
You can use a free action to have the weapon appear on your skin or sink back into your body, but you take a point of true organ damage every time you do so. Attacking with the weapon hurts you as well, you take a fourth of the damage you deal with the weapon as true organ damage.