If one of the armors below says “Based On Original Armor,” that means that the equipment slots, AC, disadvantages, and other properties are based on one of the armors found in battle items
Monk Tunic
1 Gold, Uncommon
A traditional gi that adorns the many practitioners of the spiritual martial arts. You can have them in your master’s or even your own colors.
Takes up both arm equipment slots. When equipped, you gain a +2 bonus to all martial arts and spirit rolls.
Mystic Grieves
3 Gold, Uncommon
Leg protector wear that seems to connect with your psychic third eye.
Takes up both leg equipment slots. When equipped and If you have the psionic skill check, you are able to use your intelligence instead of your dexterity when calculating your armor class.
5 Gold, Rare
Sleeves of light based power, speaking whispers into your mind.
Takes up both arm equipment slots. When equipped, you gain a +2 bonus to all light based paracausal rolls.
5 Gold, Rare
Sleeves of dark based power, speaking whispers into your mind.
Takes up both arm equipment slots. When equipped, you gain a +2 bonus to all dark based paracausal rolls.
Inexistence Armor
50 Gold + Original Armor Cost, Legendary, Cursed?
Based on original armor
As a bonus action, you can become incorporeal until the start of your next turn or one minute. In that time, you can choose to go through any surface, meaning you won’t just automatically fall through the floor. Attacks like magic, light, psionics, and other supernatural and spiritual attacks can still hit you.
Everytime you become incorporeal, you must make a DC 10 Will save (any mental stat), upon a failure you are paralyzed until you become corporeal again from your brain not being able to register the fact that you’re technically not real.
Eldritch Armor
100 Gold + Original Armor Cost, Legendary
Based on original armor
When equipped, you gain 4 extra tentacles of your own skin out of your shoulders and back. This gives you 4 additional arm and hands slots. You lose these slots upon taking off the armor.
Chaos Robes
100 Platinum, Fabled, Cursed
This is no cloth, it is made of chaos itself. The green lightning wrecks across your body with every effort from your third eye.
Takes up both arm equipment slots. Once equipped, you gain access to chaos magic from Michael Cook’s Warhammer 40k DLC Addon from DLC Addons on the main page. However, everytime you cast a spell, you take a varying amount of damage based on the tier you’re casting. You lose access to the magic if you take off the robes, but won’t lose your progress with the magic.
If you already have chaos magic, then you gain the reshaping perk specifically for chaos magic.
Chrono Mask
Can’t Be Bought, Fabled, Cursed
A white mask with green cosmic tendrils coming out of the mask that latch onto you. There is an X across the face of the mask with red eye holes letting you see.
Takes up both eye equipment slots. Once equipped, it becomes part of your body, only being able to be removed with a curse removal effect.
This mask has 10 charges of the Time Stop ability from Eddison Gallegos’ Generation Alpha DLC Addon from DLC Addons on the main page. You can expend a charge as an action and gain access to either the action/bonus action, or reaction time stop effect.
Once a charge is expended, it can’t be regained unless something similar to a divination tome is used. The less charges you have left, the more your mind starts to meld towards chaos and destruction. If you use up the last charge of the mask, 10 minutes after the time stop your character’s personality and soul will be destroyed as if you have succumbed to the corruption from the Hell In A Spell Spellbook from the Kittyfoot Spellbook page in Spellbooks.