Psychic Mitt
1 Gold, Uncommon
A cute little woven mitten with a not so cute picture of a brain knitted on it.
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots.
Once equipped, as an extra action you can attempt to pick up an object that isn’t heavier than 10 pounds. The object must be within 60ft of you and you need to succeed on an intelligence will check.
Energy Ring
1 Gold, Uncommon
A ring made for your pointer finger that makes you want to yell while firing your supe energy attack!
This ring takes an entire trinket slot. When equipped, you can fire a small energy beam as a bonus action. 60ft of range, Roll a dexterity will check to break armor class. Upon breaking, you deal 1d4 + wisdom energy damage.
Empath Circlet
3 Gold, Uncommon
A circlet with long dead black tendrils wrapping around the dark silver metal.
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots.
Once equipped, as an extra action you can attempt to telepathically communicate with someone near you. Roll an Intelligence will check depending on how far away a person is from you, on a success you will be able to communicate telepathically with them until the beginning of your next turn.
Monastic Gauntlets
15 Gold, Rare
Gauntlets that crawl up your arms like vines with the nice metal Khakhkhar rings fitting nicely in your hands.
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots.
Once equipped, all of your melee attacks will be counted as magical to get around magical resistance.
Energy Conduit
30 Gold, Rare
A broken off part of a traditional monastic weapon, your ancestors would want you to use the artifact to achieve greater things.
Once you equip the energy conduit to one of your hand slots, you can use an extra action to have the conduit manifest into any weapon that you yourself are proficient in. Doing this will have it take on the equipment slots, range, and other properties of the weapon that you are proficient in.
The only difference is that the weapon does energy damage instead of the normal damage type.
Unchained Bracers
50 Gold, Legendary, Cursed?
An ancient race of dark wanted to become the legend of light, in vain they created these bracers to simulate the legend, but they were the legends in the making.
This item will not take an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots.
When equipped, you can temporarily transform into a heightened state of being, you can make it look however you want. Talk with your DM to figure out how this heightened state of being powers you up and what the cost per round of being in the state of being is.
Mindflayer Implant
5 Platinum, Legendary, Cursed
A small mindflayer spawn that is trying to take over your mind with each passing day. This item will most likely find you before you find it.
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots. Once equipped, it can’t be removed without a curse removal effect.
Also, when you equip this you gain the ability to try and enter the mindscape of another creature. You need to roll a intelligence will check against a creatures’ intelligence will save. If they fail, you get to either look at a memory of your choice of theirs or you give them double disadvantage on their saving throw or insight.
However, every time you use this you slowly morph into an actual mindflayer. Each day you use this implant, you need to make a DC 15 Will Save (any mental stat) at your next long rest. If you fail this save 10 times, your character’s personality and body dies as it is overtaken by the mind flayer controlling you.