If you want to get anything from the Psychic Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Psychic Archetype. this means you need:
Proper Esper and Mind Link
You have undergone a metamorphosis, you are now enlightened towards even higher levels of psychic power
Use battle points after fights to unlock permanent upgrades to your psionics.
Elite Powers
Requires Barrier Of Entry : Psychic
Quick Grab | 2 Points
Requires Elite Powers
Instead of using your action to grab creatures with telekinesis, it is now a free action.
Instant Launch | 2 Points
Requires Quick Grab
When you have someone or something grappled through psionics, you now use a free action once per turn to throw them
Barrage | 4 Points
Requires Instant Launch
You can throw as many creatures as you want when you use your free action to launch n’ lift with psionics .
Hyperkinesis | 4 Points
Requires Barrage
Double your telekinesis range.
Requires Elite Powers and Blink Perk
If you teleport as a quick action, you get three free action teleports before the beginning of your next turn.
Requires Elite Powers and Unblinking
After using your reaction to teleport, you regain your reaction, only for one more reaction teleport, before the beginning of your next turn.
Mindscape Invasion | 2 Points
Requires Elite Powers
Mind Link allows you to view as many memories as you wish in an interaction instead of only a couple. This exchange of memories only takes a fraction of a second.
Debauchery | 4 Points
Requires Mindscape Invasion
If you are able to consume the mind of a creature, you gain all the memories of that creature.
Abberantathy | 4 Points
Requires Debauchery
Double your telepathy range.
Super Dash | 4 Points
Requires Elite Powers
As long as you are flying, you can dash as a free action. Also, all other dash effects triple your flying speed instead of double.
Normie Ahh | 4 Points
Requires Elite Powers and Mental Health
You become immune to conditions that inhibit you mentally. You also cannot lose sanity and are considered mentally well permanently.
Diamond Defense | 4 Point
Requires Elite Powers and Pallas Athena
When phrenic aegis is active, you gain immunity to mental or psychic damage.
(This will not negate true mental damage from other Elite Powers)
Unblinking | 2 Points
Multi-React | 4 Points
Manipulation | 1 Point
Requires Elite Powers and +3 Deception
When making a social charisma roll, you can take true mental damage equal to a fourth of your max health to add your psionics bonus to the roll.
Disrupt | 2 Points
Requires Manipulation
As a reaction to someone using a move that requires concentration, you can roll psionics against whatever they use to perform that ability. If you win the contesting roll, the concentration instantly ends.
However, this reaction makes you take true mental damage equal to a fourth of your max health after every use of it.
Aberrance | 4 Points
Requires Disrupt
You develop the Path Of Aberrance. This path has the restrictions of Tier 6 Arcane but has the psychic element and you roll with psionics.
Instead of spending mana, you take true mental damage equal to a fourth of your max health every time you cast any Path Of Aberrance spells.
Ceremorphosis | No Points
You gain this upon getting all of the other Elite Powers.
When you make a physical roll, add half of your psionics bonus to the total roll.