All rings, including the ones below, take up half a trinket slot unless stated otherwise.
Resistance Ring
1 Gold, Uncommon
A rough textured ring with veins flowing with the power the ring protects you from.
This ring gives resistance to the magical damage type it was infused with.
Speed Ring
1 Gold, Uncommon
Extremely smooth gold ring, makes you gotta go fast.
This ring gives you a +10 to your walking speed.
Swimming Ring
1 Gold, Uncommon
A cobalt ring that has corals painted all across the ring, glowing with oceanic power.
This ring gives you an extra +10 to your swimming speed.
Swap Ring
2 Gold, Rare
A ring with a green and blue spiral gem. Produced by a trickster and pioneered by a follower
As a bonus action, you can point your finger with the ring on it towards an ally and swap places with them. The range is infinite but you need line of sight to freely switch places. You cannot swap with anyone who doesn’t call you a friend.
Micro Ring
5 Gold, Rare
A ring with a blue opal and carvings of bugs.
As a bonus action, you can reduce your size by one, so if you’re a medium size creature you become a small creature.
Gain a +1 to all dexterity skill checks and saving throws and a -1 to all strength skill checks and saving throws. You can revert back with another bonus action.
Macro Ring
10 Gold, Rare
A ring with a red ruby and carvings of great boars.
As a bonus action, you can increase your size by one, so if you’re a medium size creature you become a large creature.
Gain a +1 to all strength skill checks and saving throws and a -1 to all dexterity skill checks and saving throws. You can revert back with another bonus action.
Weather Ring
10 Gold, Rare
A ring with murals of all the natural elements glowing around the bronze it was forged in. A nature mobster cries in delight.
As an action, you can manipulate natural elemental damage within the restrictions of the tier 1 elemental spellmaker.
Teleport Ring
50 Gold, Legendary
A marble ring with wind patterns and lightning dances across the white gloss. To be honest, I stole this off that stupid wizard, GO BACK TO YOUR OWN GAME INFES!
As a bonus action, you can teleport up to 20 ft that you can see. It has to be an open space and you must be able to flex the ring finger in order to use it.
Regeneration Ring
30 Platinum, Legendary
A pink gold ring with an adorable little heart on the front of it! It almost makes you look past the chipping bloodstains on the ring! Eat your literal heart out green guardian!
While wearing this ring, you regain 1d6 hit points every 10 minutes, provided that you have at least 1 hit point. If you lose a body part, the ring causes the missing part to regrow and return to full functionality after about a week if you have at least 1 hit point the whole time.
Fortress Ring
150 Platinum, Fabled
A ring with a gem in the shape of a shield with the word “Responsibility” on it. Let’s see if you can handle it’s weight.
As an action, if you currently have a shield equipped, you can activate the ring. You instantly gain 100 overhealth and your speed is set to 0. You can no longer make attacks but can still perform simple actions. You can turn off the charm as a bonus action. The overhealth recharges at a long rest. It can only be used once per day.