If you want to get anything from the Summoner Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Summoner Archetype. this means you need:

Ritual Summon & Monster Reborn


Requires Barrier Of Entry : Summoner

As an action, you can spend the points you use to summon minions in order to summon a perfect clone of yourself. Refer to the following for the clone’s abilities:

  • They have as much health and resource points as twice the points you spend to form them, your armor class, all of your techniques and abilities, their own initiative, and only a single action

  • They have your stats and bonuses, but all of their rolls are at a -2 debuff. Damage or other totals like healing rolled are a fourth of what they would be.

These clones will last until you either recall them as a bonus action, a long rest passes, or they lose all of their HP. (If they disappear from losing all of their hit points you won’t get back the points you spent to make them)


Requires Barrier Of Entry : Summoner

When creating a minion, you can summon a copy of a creature that you’ve seen as long as you had a significant relationship with them (good or bad).

When you order this copycat minion to attack they are able to use the original creature’s paths and techniques, regardless of whether you knew they had them. However, the effects of the copycat minion’s versions of their moves are halved in effect and

Superior Goon

4 Point | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Summoner

At a long rest, you can choose 1 minion you currently have summoned to become a Super Minion. This means:

  • Instead of disappearing on hitting 0 HP, they go through Death’s Door as if they were a player character

  • Cannot be unsummoned unless they are willing, also not disappearing at a long rest anymore

  • They gain semi-sentience. They still listen to your every command but can now develop their own personality and ideals.


4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Summoner

When you command one of your monsters to attack, you can choose to flip a coin. If you call it correctly then the attack’s total damage is doubled. However if you call it incorrectly then the monster is instantly destroyed

(if this is used on super minion they lose 5 maximum HP)

Ghoul Charity

4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Summoner

If a creature dies within eyesight of you, then you are able to use tribute sacrifice or monster reborn for free.

(When monster reborn is used this way, you can use it to resummon any minion that fought in the last combat or the last 10 minutes.)