If you want to get anything from the Survival Ace page, you must pass the Barrier Of Entry for the Survival Archetype. this means you need:

Hunting Buddy, Hunting The Hunter, Crooked Critterspeak, & Nature’s Veil

Elfish Nature

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Survival

If you become invisible by using Nature’s veil, you don’t make any sound or have an aroma. When becoming invisible this way, creature’s have disadvantage and a -5 on trying to find you when using normal means.

Perfect Talent

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Survival

If an animal has never been hostile towards you and they get near you, they need to roll a wisdom will save against your animal friendliness aura (8 + wis + nature). If they fail, then they are automatically friendly towards you but not tamed.

(Mother Nature will double the total dc of the aura)

Best Friend

4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Survival

When you use hunting buddies to get advantage on a roll, it’s a free action instead of an extra action.

Off The Grid

4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Survival

There is no method that is able to track you, in or out of nature. You can still be discovered in stealth with the use of magic or other powers.


4 Points | 1 Max

Requires Barrier Of Entry : Survival

When you roll to interact with animals, add +1 to the roll