Flowing Tattoo
1 Gold, Uncommon
Even though you’re not fully embarking on a supernatural path, you still get to choose the starting line.
Tattoos take up a trinket slot. When equipped, choose a tier 1 spellmaker of one of the paths of magic. You can now make 1 spell using that spellmaker and cast it once per day. You regain use of the spell at long rest and can change the spell at the same long rest.
Judicator Brand
5 Gold, Cursed
A magical brand bearing the symbol of a bush of thorns, smelling of corpses and serving as tribute to the judicator and his first born.
this tattoo takes up a trinket slot and cannot be removed unless you use a curse removal effect. at each dawn you gain 10 temporary hit points. however, you’re archenemy will always know your current location.
Holster Tattoo
15 Platinum, Legendary
A simple weapon tattoo with a faint magic aura. The weapon absorbed by the tattoo is weightless, its appearance changes to have thick ink lines where edges, points and corners would be
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots. After absorbing a weapon you already have, you gain the following benefits with that weapon:
The weapon floats around you when summoned as a free action, not requiring an equipment slot to be used
Instead of using your action, the tattoo weapon now attacks on a free action. it cannot be used as any other type of action
You get +2 Bonus to All rolls made with the weapon.
You can switch out the weapon on a long rest