Bouncey Shoes
1 Gold, Uncommon
A normal looking pair of shoes with very soft soles. This brand was pioneered by a company who sponsored an athlete to try and cheat during competitions. After the athlete was discovered doping, they escaped with their dignity and rebranded to entertaining footwear.
Requires both foot slots To be considered equipped. when equipped, you no longer take falling damage if you land on your feet. While Equipped, double the overall roll when rolling to make a jump.
However, if you land from a jump greater than 30ft, you must roll a DC 15 Athletics or acrobatics or you will be stuck jumping in random directions determined by the dm. you can reattempt the save at the end of your next turn.
Vampire Teeth
2 Gold, Uncommon
Extremely jagged teeth that have glowing red particles that hover around the edges.
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots. While equipped, you gain a new 5ft range natural attack called “Vampiric Bite.”
You have a +2 to hit with the attack and it uses your strength or dexterity. Upon hitting a creature with this attack you deal 1d6 + con of piercing damage. You gain overhealth for the damage you deal with this attack.
Speed Shoes
5 Gold, Rare
A pair of shoes that split between blue glowing leather and a nice white foam textile. They were popularized by a convict that couldn’t shut up about “going way past fast.”
Requires both Foot slots To be considered equipped. when equipped, you no longer take falling damage if you land on your feet. While Equipped, your walking speed doubles and you gain a free action dash once per turn.
Gravity Belt
10 Gold, Rare
A normal belt with a dial on the front. Made and sold by a magic thief. Its motto is, “It’s all fun and games till someone starts walking on the walls.”
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots. As a bonus action, you can change your gravity in any direction you please. While your gravity is switched, you have advantage on saving throws against effects that attempt to change your position.
Weather Crown
10 Platinum, Legendary
A crown with evermoving thorns that emit particles of nature.
this item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots.
While equipped you gain immunity to non-magical nature related damage. You also can command natural damage around you to the restrictions of the tier 3 elemental magic spellmaker.
Analysis Eye
30 Platinum, Legendary
A small piece of metal with a translucent orb hovering next to it that is about eye sized. Modeled after the design used by a brilliant scientist.
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots. While equipped it will either attach itself to an existing eye or replace a missing one and operate as a normal eye.
Similar to the spirit skill check, you can compare a creature’s physical and mental capabilities to your own without having to roll, you won’t get exact numbers though. also, you gain 15ft cone of darkvision in your eye.
Glass Arm Of Repetition
150 Platinum, Fabled
A glass arm with 4 fingers and 2 thumbs that look like they can fall off for some reason. Just keeps getting better and better.
The glass arm takes up one of your arm equipment slots. While equipped, for every round of combat that passes, you gain +2 to damage. the damage buff will increase by 2 each round. so in 2 rounds you’ll have +4 to damage, in 3 you’ll have +6 and so on.
The damage build up will reset if initiative is recalled or your arm breaks.
If you are reduced to half health in a fight, the arm will shatter and you will incur an arm critical wound. You will keep this critical wound until you find a way to repair the arm.
if it’s repaired in the middle of the fight, it will then break when you are reduced to 0 HP
Suspicious Book
Shouldn’t Be Bought, Cursed
A magical book that can take the appearance of any book to ever exist, its appearance changes every time it is opened so its original form is impossible to document. Is this even readable? Despite the book being magical, you cannot roll any sort of magical check to sense if the book is magical but you can roll an investigation to check if it’s not the real book since this book will always have something out of place on the cover.
The Suspicious book counts as a trinket, once you equip it to a trinket slot you cannot unequip it unless you use a curse removal effect. Upon equipping it, you start with 20 pages. After making a roll, you can use a free action to expend a page of the book to attempt to have the book give you a hand. Roll a flat d20, if you roll above a 10, you gain the effects of an inspiration on your roll. if you roll a 10 or below, you must roll a d8 on the Suspicious book table.
1. Lose all inspirations, if you have none then you don’t get an inspiration the next time you should.
2. Become blind for 30 minutes.
3. On your next disadvantage roll, it's a triple disadvantage instead of normal disadvantage.
4. All your racial traits are turned off for the rest of the combat or an hour.
5. Your highest stat is 0 for 20 minutes.
6. You are set to last in initiative.
7. You lose one maximum hit point.
8. Roll again, the effect you roll is doubled in severity. Find a way DMs.
The book magically regenerates a page each week.