“Uhh Spells” By Champ Sodian

  • Divine, Godly, Enhancement

  • Fabled, 100 Platinum

Divine Aim

As an extra action, spend 1 resource point to add 1d4 to a ranged attack to hit roll. Must be used before you roll.

Blinding Bludgeon

As an extra action before you make an attack, spend 2 resource points to add this spell to a melee weapon attack. Hitting a creature with it, the target must succeed a DC 23 fortitude saving throw otherwise the target is blind for 2 minutes.

Radiant Pull

Force a creature within 30ft to roll a contesting athletics roll against your wisdom will check or they’ll be pulled to you. Can spend 3 resource points to do this as a reaction.

Godly Speed

As an extra action, spend 3 resource points to triple your movement speed until the end of your turn.

Godly Grasp

As an extra action before you make a grapple, spend 1 resource point to get advantage on said grapple.

Double Jump

As an extra action after you make a jump, spend 2 resource points to be able to make an additional jump in the air.

Ritouse Blockade

As an action, spend 5 resource points to create a large godly shield. It’s 20ft wide, 10ft tall, and it can be moved up to 60ft per turn as an extra action. It has a total of 100 HP, the shield disappears when its HP reaches 0. Spend 10 resource points to create it as a reaction.

Air Dash

As in action, spend 5 resource points to fly in any straight direction up to your walking speed times 10. You can spend 10 resource points to do it as a reaction.