“Rizz 101” By Monsoon Smite

  • Divine, Dark, Paracausal

  • Legendary, 100 Platinum

Dark Punch

As an action, spend 3 resource points to make a dexterity based unarmed strike with a +15 to hit. If it hits a creature, they take 1d8 + 8 dark damage and need to make an DC 21 acrobatics save or they will be sent up to 90ft away.

Dark Riposte

As a reaction, you can spend 5 resource points to use Dark Punch if someone misses you with a melee attack.

Dark Grapple

As an action, you can spend 3 resource points to force a creature from up to 90ft away to roll an athletics or acrobatics roll against your charisma will check or they’ll be grappled by you.

Dark Slash

As an action you can spend 2 resource points to make a dark version of a melee attack you have. The range of the attack is increased to 30ft and the damage is changed to dark. You can spend 5 resource points to do this as a reaction and up to 90ft.

Dark Barrier

As an action you can spend 2 resource points, you surround yourself with a barrier made of darkness. This barrier will negate the effects of one attack, however the barrier shatters immediately after. You can spend 5 resource points to do this as a reaction.

Dark Drip

As in action, spend 5 resource points to force all creatures in an 30ft radius around you to make a DC 21 acrobatics or blocking save or they’ll be flung up to 90ft. You can spend 10 resource points to do it as a reaction.