“Legend Of Kora™” By Kora La Bean

  • Creative, Devil, Fire

  • Legendary, 100 Platinum

Buff Buffy

As an action, you can give a creature a d4 to add to a roll of their choice.

Sneak Sneak

As an action, you can spend 1 resource point to give a creature advantage on stealth or sleight of hand.

Calm Emotions

As an action, you can spend 2 resource points to force a creature to make a wisdom resist roll (23), if they fail then they are forced out of the frightened condition and must calm down.

Bad Buff Buffy

As an action, you can spend 1 resource pool to give a creature a d6 to subtract to their next roll.


As an action, you can spend 3 resource points to you can create and completely manipulate a magical flame that will deal 1d8 + charisma fire damage if coming into contact with a creature, you can roll to hit the fire with a charisma will check. You can spend 5 resource points to create the flame as a reaction.

Go To Sleep NOW

As an action you can spend 2 resource points to force a creature to make a DC 23 wisdom will save, if they fail then they fall unconscious for the next three rounds.

Molten Meteorite

You can spend 10 resource points to hurl a meteorite that deals 1d20 + charisma bludgeoning damage, creatures within the 60ft radius of the meteorite need to make a DC 23 acrobatics or blocking save or they will take the damage. You can spend 20 resource points to use as a reaction.