“Hero Of Light & Dark” By Super Peter
Creative, Dark, Taken, Solar, Light, Paracausal
Uncommon, 10 Gold
Become A Hero!
As an action, you can spend 1 resource point to force a creature within 30ft of you to make a DC13 wisdom will save. Upon a failure, the creature must act like a typical superhero for the next 3 rounds. This means heroism, bravery, and plenty of bravado and showmanship! You can spend 5 points to do this as a reaction.
Super Hero Speed
As an action, you can add 10ft to your movement speed. For every additional resource point you add, you gain 5 more feet to your speed.
Super Dash
As an extra action as you’re making an attack, your speed increases by 5ft and you can change your damage to solar and add 1d4 + 1 to the total damage. You can do this once per attack.
Hero Pull
As a bonus action, you can spend a resource point to try and force a creature within 15ft to be pulled right in front of you. The creature must roll a DC 13 athletics saving throw. You can spend 5 points to do this as a reaction and the range will increase to 90ft.
Peter Push
As a bonus action, you can spend a resource point to try and force creatures within a 15ft cone to be blown away in a gust of solar wind. The creature must roll a DC 13 blocking saving throw or be blown up to 30ft back. You can spend 5 points to do this as a reaction and the cone will become 60ft and the distance creatures get pushed back will become up to 120ft.
Taken Steering
As a free action, you can spend a resource point to give yourself advantage on an acrobatics roll. Darkness keeps you afloat.
Taken Shaping
As an extra action, you can cover yourself in darkness and manipulate the darkness covering you into whatever you want to look like.
If you are made of something akin to darkness or have a transformation relating to darkness, this spell can modify its looks.
Taken Smite
As an extra action as you’re making an attack, you can spend 3 resource points to change your damage to darkness and add 2d6 + 4 to the total damage. You can do this once per attack.
Taken Swap
As an action, you can spend 1 resource point to switch with a willing ally within eyesight. You can spend 5 points to do this as a reaction
Taken Shield
As a bonus action, you can spend a resource point to give yourself 10 overhealth, while you have these hit points, creatures that attack you within melee range will take 1d8 + 4 dark damage. You can spend 5 points to give yourself these overhealth as a reaction.
Taken Afterimage
As a bonus action, you can spend 3 resource points to create afterimages out of darkness. When a creature attacks you, they must make a dc16 insight check or they will have disadvantage on attacking you. Every additional afterimage will increase the DC by 1.