“The Green Weave” By Freya
Light, Dark, Splicer, Strand, Paracausal
Uncommon, 5 Gold
Strand Whip
As an action, you lash at a creature within 30ft with a paracausal whip made of dark strand power. Roll dexterity plus your will bonus to hit, if you hit successfully you deal 1d4 + 4 strand damage.
Solar Charge
As an extra action, before you roll an attack, you can spend 2 resource points to add an extra 2d4 + 4 solar damage to an attack you’re about to do. However, you can use 5 points to add the damage to an attack as a reaction after it hits.
Burning Web
As an action, you can spend 2 resource points to throw a 25 ft radius web of solar fire up to 45 ft away. Anyone in the radius must make an DC16 acrobatics roll or take 2d4 + 4 solar damage.
Healing Web
As an action, you can give up to 3 creatures a poppable web on their shoulders. They can then use their extra actions to pop the web and get 1d8 + their charisma health back.
As an action, you can send a non-sentient strand creature to remotely grapple another creature of your choice. To a creature within 30ft, you force them to roll a DC 16 fortitude saving throw. Upon a failure they are grappled, they can try to break out on their turn as an action.
As an action, you can spend 3 resource points to enforce a DC 16 wisdom will save on a creature in eyesight. Upon a failure, you can move them up to 30ft in whatever direction you wish. You can spend 5 resource points to do this as a reaction and the distance increases to 60ft.
Strand Whip
As an action, you can spend 5 resource points to gain a flying speed of double your walking speed for 5 minutes.